Ekonominės krizės ir jų raiška Lietuvoje

Mokslo publikacijos / Scientific publications
Document Type:
Knygos dalis / Part of the book
Lietuvių kalba / Lithuanian
Ekonominės krizės ir jų raiška Lietuvoje
Alternative Title:
Economic crises and their manifestation in Lithuania
In the Book:
Vilnius. Vilniaus kraštas (Vilnius region); Lietuva (Lithuania); Diskriminacija. Konfliktai / Discrimination. Conflict; Ekonominė padėtis / Economic conditions; Kreditas. Paskolos / Credit; Nedarbas / Unemployment; Psichikos sveikata / Mental health.
Summary / Abstract:

LTStraipsnyje nagrinėjamas ciklinis kapitalistinės ekonomikos plėtros pobūdis, atskleidžiama ekonominių krizių atsiradimo priežastys, pobūdis ir pasekmės. Remiantis lietuvių ir užsienio autorių studijomis bei statistine medžiaga analizuojamas valstybės vaidmuo įgyvendinant antikrizines ekonomikos reguliavimo priemones. Parodomos ekonominių krizių apraiškos Lietuvoje, jų įveikimo būdai ir priemonės. [Iš leidinio]Reikšminiai žodžiai: Ekonomika; Ekonomikos ciklai; Krizė (depresija); Nedarbas; Pagyvėjimas; Pakilimas; Smukimas (recesija); Socialiniai konfliktai; Socialinės rinkos pagyvėjimas; Valstybinis reguliavimas; Verslo kreditavimas; Įmonių bankrotas; Business credit; Company bankruptcy; Crisis (depression); Downturn (recession); Economic cycles; Economics; Recovery; Recovery of the social market; Rise; Social conflicts; State regulation; Unemployment.

ENArticle analyses the cyclical character of the development of the capitalist society, it also reveals the reasons and the consequences of the rise of the economic crises. On the basis of the literature sources of Lithuanian and foreign authors and statistical data there is analysed the role of the state in implementing the anti-crisis measures of economic regulation. The article also shows the manifestation of economic crises in Lithuania as well as the means and ways to overcome them. Ihe development of the capitalist economy is cyclical. One cycle consists of four phases: downturn (recession), crisis (depression), recovery, rise (growth). Crisis is the lowest phase of the cycle. During that period the economic indicators get worse, many companies bankrupt, the unemployment and social tension increase. The first global crisis was in 1857. It started in the USA and covered the largest European countries. The deepest global crisis in 1929-1933 was called the Great Depression. That crisis strongly influenced Lithuania as well. It covered both industry and agriculture. The production decreased many companies and economic entities bankrupted the number of the unemployed rose. During the Great Depression the British economist John Keynes (1883-1946) announced the theory (Keynesian) of the State Market Regulation.He stated that the government's duty is to interfere in the economics in order to increase the employment, to decrease the unemployment and other negative non-regulated free market conse- quences. It is the government that accumulating the part of the product in its budget can organise the public works, increase the employment and the demand, ensure the economic growth and the rise of living standards. The economic crisis of 2007 also started in the USA as the crisis of the financial system. At the end of 2008 all stock markets of the USA, Europe and Asia suffered the downturn. The euro zone economy suffered crisis as well. The global crisis of 2008 reached the Baltic States too. In 2008-2009 the GDP started to fell down dramatically, the number of bankruptcies increased. Just during the year 2008 there bankrupted 928 entities. The banks' activity was disturbed, credit giving decreased. The unemployment rose dramatically. In the middle of 2009 Lithuania had 220,000 unemployed people. Majority of people became poor. The social disturbances started. Especially significant protestation of society against the intended measures of the authorities was in February 2009 in Vilnius. [...]. [From the publication]

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