Komunikacijos įtaka lietuvininkams (XVI-XX a.)

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Mokslo publikacijos / Scientific publications
Document Type:
Straipsnis / Article
Lietuvių kalba / Lithuanian
Komunikacijos įtaka lietuvininkams (XVI-XX a.)
Alternative Title:
Influence of communication on the Lithuanian ethnic group in East Prussia from the Sixteenth to the Twentieth century
In the Journal:
Tiltai. Priedas. 2003, Nr. 16, p. 192-204
Summary / Abstract:

LTStraipsnyje aptariamas komunikacijos specifiškumas Mažojoje Lietuvoje ir jos poveikis lietuvininkų etninei grupei. Svarbi tendencija - pašto kelių plėtra regione (Didysis pašto traktas), ypač XIX a., dėl ko išaugo komunikacijos galimybės, bet atsirado ir negatyvus reiškinys - šmugelis. Per XIX a. antrąją pusę Rytų Prūsijoje išplėtotas geležinkelių tinklas esmingai veikė lietuvininkų komunikaciją, darė įtaką tradiciškai sėsliam jų gyvenimo būdui, skatino migracijos procesą. Visa tai turėjo svarbių padarinių lietuvininkų mentaliteto raidai. [Iš leidinio]Reikšminiai žodžiai: Geležinkelis; Komunikacija; Kontrabanda; Lietuvininkai; Mažoji Lietuva; Migracija; Paštas; Rytų Prūsija [East Prussia]; Communication; Contraband; Controband; East Prussia; Lithuania Minor; Lithuanians; Migration; Post; Railway.

ENThe development of communication in Lithuania Minor (a part of East Prussia) in XVI-XX century was important for Prussia and the Lithuanian ethnic group as well. The popular international post-way from West Europe to Russsia across the Lithuania Minor (through Königsberg, Curonien Spit to Memel - Klaipėda) was going since XVII century till 1833. An extention of the post-ways in East Prussia in XIX century had a very strong influence on the Lithuanian ethnic group because of the new possibilities of communication and contraband as well. The big innovation for the rural society of Lithuanians was the telegraph which came to Lithuania Minor in 1855-1870. Telephon as the new kind of communication came to Memel - Klaipėda in 1888. More importance for communication had the development of railway. The railway came to East Prussia in 1853-1875 and it changed the traditional style of life in Lithuania Minor. Many people left the country-side and migrated to the towns. The new circumstances of life in town demanded to adopt German language very soon and the new style of life as well. The result of migration was a more deep process of assimilation of the Lithuanian ethnic group in East Prussia. Finally the development of communication as well as whole process of modernisation had the big influence to the mentality of the Lithuanian minority in East Prussia.The process of assimilation was going deeper and part of national identity of the Lithuanian minority was lost. There was also the positive influence of extention of the railway because more convenient way to communicate with the town. The farmers had the possibility to let their children to the secondary schools in Tilžė (Tilsit) or Klaipėda (Memel) because the train stations were near the villages. [From the publication]

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