Skirtingo amžiaus ir biologinės brandos paauglių (berniukų) fizinio vystymosi ir fizinio parengtumo kaita

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Straipsnis / Article
Lietuvių kalba / Lithuanian
Skirtingo amžiaus ir biologinės brandos paauglių (berniukų) fizinio vystymosi ir fizinio parengtumo kaita
Alternative Title:
Dynamics of the different age and biological maturity adolescents (male) physical development and physical fitness level
In the Journal:
Sporto mokslas [Sports science]. 2008, Nr. 2 (52), p. 62-67
Vilnius. Vilniaus kraštas (Vilnius region); Lietuva (Lithuania); Fizinis ugdymas / Physical education.
Summary / Abstract:

LTTyrimo objektas: 12-15 m. berniukų fizinio parengtumo ir jų biologinio subrendimo kaita. Tyrimo tikslas – nustatyti skirtingo amžiaus berniukų fizinį parengtumą ir požiūrio į kūno kultūrą sąsajas su jų lytine branda. Tyrimo uždaviniai: ištirti skirtingo amžiaus berniukų fizinį parengtumą; nustatyti lytinio subrendimo stadijas; palyginti gautus duomenis su duomenimis, gautais prieš 25 metus tiriant tos pačios mokyklos moksleivius. Tyrimas atliktas 2006-2007 m. Vilniaus Gerosios Vilties vidurinėje mokykloje. Tyrime dalyvavo 6-10 klasių 139 pagrindinės sveikatos grupės 12-15 metų berniukai, 1982 m. – 333 berniukai. Tyrimo rezultatai parodė, kad berniukai pagal lytinio subrendimo stadijas pasiskirstė taip: nulinės lytinio subrendimo stadijos buvo 24 proc., pirmos – 23 proc., antros – 31 proc., trečios – 22 proc. berniukų. Prieš 25 m. atliktame tyrime (Vilkas, 1982) berniukai pagal lytinio subrendimo stadijas buvo pasiskirstę atitinkamai taip: 20 proc., 23 proc., 30 proc., 27 proc. Matyti, kad aukštesnių lytinio subrendimo stadijų berniukų skaičiaus procentinė išraiška per 25 metus padidėjo.Palyginus berniukų lytinį subrendimą pagal jų lytinio subrendimo stadijas, matyti, kad dabartiniai berniukai bręsta daug greičiau nei jų bendraamžiai, tirti prieš 25 metus. Mūsų tyrimo hipotezė pasitvirtino. Lyginamoji analizė parodė, kad atlikto tyrimo didelė dalis rezultatų labai skyrėsi nuo 1982 metų tyrimo rezultatų. Mūsų nuomone, tokius skirtumus sąlygoja akceleracijos fenomenas, kurį lemia genetiniai, socialinės aplinkos ir kiti veiksniai. Akceleracija paveikė kūno somatinius rodiklius, lytinį brendimą, fizinių gebėjimų raišką. [Iš leidinio]Reikšminiai žodžiai: Fizinis parengtumas; Fizinis ugdymas; Lytinis brendimas; Paaugliai; Physical activity; Physical education; Physical preparedness; Sexual maturity; Teenagers.

ENObject of our research were aspects of physical activity, physical preparedness and sexual maturity of boys of different age groups. The aim of our research was to identify physical preparedness of boys from different age groups and interrelations between their attitude towards physical culture and their sexual maturity. Objectives: to test physical preparedness of boys from different age groups; to identify the stages of sexual maturity; to analyse their attitude towards physical training and physical activity; to compare the data from our research to the data collected 25 years ago researching pupils (boys) of the same school. The research took place in Vilnius Gerosios Vilties secondary school, 6th-9th classes in school year 2006-2007. Participants were 139 boys, 12-15 years old, having basic health group. Methods used: analysis of literary sources and summarising, testing, identifying the stages of sexual maturity, questionnairing, mathematical statistics, comparing analysis of documents and data we collected. Tests on physical development level took place in school‘s medical room. The results of questionnairing demonstrate that boys are satisfied with their physical state in 0, 1, 2, 3 stages of sexual maturity. The boys of the 3 stage of sexual maturity took the least of attention about their physical state.The boys of the 1 and 3 stages of sexual maturity were the least in taking up sports, as they have many other activities in their free time. The results of tests on physical development and physical preparedness are given indicating their average (x), the error of arithmetical mean (Sx), Student‘s criterion (t) and index of reliability of difference (p) according to the age and stages of sexual maturity. Boys‘ physical preparedness is indicated according to EUROFIT‘S tests (in 60m running, standing jump, the strength of waist). The stages of sexual maturity were indicated by the medical worker of Vilnius Gerosios Vilties secondary school according to A. Stavickaja and D. Aron‘s (1959) methodology, which was modified by V. Vlastovskij (1976). We compared the results of our research with the results which had been got 25 years ago. The distribution of all the boys in different stages of sexual maturity was: 0 stage – 24%, 1 stage – 23%, 2 stage – 31%, 3 stage – 22% of boys 25 years ago the results had been: 0 stage – 20%, 1 stage – 23%, 2 stage – 30%, 3 stage – 27%. The hypothesis of our research have been proved. The results of our research were completely different. We suppose that it happens because of acceleration phenomenon, changes in social environment. Acceleration changes pubescence, body size, physical peculiarities. [From the publication]

2424-3949; 1392-1401
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