Nusikalstamų veikų kvalifikavimo problemos, kylančios dėl baudžiamųjų įstatymų galiojimo laiko atžvilgiu

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Mokslo publikacijos / Scientific publications
Document Type:
Straipsnis / Article
Lietuvių kalba / Lithuanian
Nusikalstamų veikų kvalifikavimo problemos, kylančios dėl baudžiamųjų įstatymų galiojimo laiko atžvilgiu
Alternative Title:
Classification problems of criminal acts in regard to the term of enforcement of criminal laws
In the Journal:
Jurisprudencija [Jurisprudence]. 2004, Nr. 60 (52), p. 12-30
Baudžiamoji teisė / Criminal law; Teisėkūra. Teisės šaltiniai / Legislation. Sources of law; Teismai. Teismų praktika / Courts. Case-law.
Summary / Abstract:

LTStraipsnyje aiškinamos 2000 m. Baudžiamojo kodekso nuostatos dėl baudžiamųjų įstatymų galiojimo laiko atžvilgiu, aptariamas pagrindinis baudžiamųjų įstatymų galiojimo laiko atžvilgiu – nusikalstamos veikos padarymo laiko, taip pat įstatymo atgalinio galiojimo principas. Analizuojamos nusikalstamos veikos padarymo laiko nustatymo problemos, pateikiama teismų praktikos pavyzdžių. Daug vietos skiriama nusikalstamos veikos padarymo metu galiojusio ir vėliau įsigaliojusio įstatymų taikymo klausimui ir pasitaikančioms problemoms, prieštaringo ir tarpinio įstatymo taikymo galimybėms kvalifikuojant veiką. Analizė remiasi Lietuvos Aukščiausiojo Teismo kasacine praktika ir įstatymų aiškinimu 2002 m. gruodžio 20 d. senato nutarime. [Iš leidinio]Reikšminiai žodžiai: Atgalinis įstatymas; Atgalinis įstatymo galiojimas; Baudžiamasis įstatymas; Bausmę švelninantis įstatymas; Tarpinis įstatymas; Criminal law; Intermediate law; Retroactive validity of law; Retroactive validity of the law; The law mitigating the punishment.

ENThe article deals with a problem of temporal validity of criminal laws. The author analyzes the main issues on that point in new Penal Code of Lithuania (2000), investigates the principles of temporal validity of criminal laws in Lithuania. He starts with the principle of the time of committing the criminal behaviour and investigates it. According to article 3 part 1 of Penal Code the time of committing the crime is considered the time of committing criminal behaviour, not the time of occurring consequences of that behaviour. It means that the court should apply the law that was in action at that time. The author investigates the problems that occurred in practice then identifying the time of committing crime, the problems emerging in a process of identification the law that was valid at that time. It is not a simple problem due to the fact that dozens of provisions of the Penal Code of Lithuania were frequently amended. Further the author investigates the principle of "retroactive validity of the law, that mitigates punishment or abolishes criminality of committed behaviour, or otherwise mitigates position of the offender". The author investigates the difficulties emerging then identifying the essence of the new law, whether it abolish criminality of the offence or just concern punishment. The author pays much attention to the problem whether new law mitigates or aggravates punishment for committed offence.The author submits examples of practice of Supreme Court of Lithuania then applying the provisions of the article 3 of the Penal Code of Lithuania 2000, submits extracts from the Supreme Court judgements. The author pays particular attention towards the cases then the new law partially mitigates, partially aggravates position of the offender. The author gives examples how the Supreme Court has dealt with the similar problems in particular cases and gives suggestions. The author analyses the problem of applying so called "intermediate " law - the law that was not valid neither during the time of committing the crime, nor during the time of passing the sentence, however the law was adopted and was in action particular time after committing the crime. The author relies on the practice of Supreme Court of Lithuania, submits examples of decisions and suggests that "intermediate " law should be applied if it has mitigated position of the offender. As the last point the author investigates the problem how deep the new law should be applied. There is no problem that the new law should be applied if offender case still is in pretrial investigation or in court. How to deal with a problem if the case is already decided and offender is executing the sentence. The author gives comments on that point, explains the provisions of the article 3621 of the Code of Criminal Procedure, that was adopted by Parliament in 2003 and enabled the offender that serve the sentence submit application to the court and calls for application of the new law. [From the publication]

1392-6195; 2029-2058
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2018-12-17 11:25:57
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