Mokymosi negalios : skirtingi teoriniai požiūriai ir psichologinės pagalbos būdai

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Mokslo publikacijos / Scientific publications
Document Type:
Straipsnis / Article
Lietuvių kalba / Lithuanian
Mokymosi negalios: skirtingi teoriniai požiūriai ir psichologinės pagalbos būdai
Alternative Title:
Learning disabilities: different theoretical approaches and ways of treatment
In the Journal:
Psichologija. 2011, t. 44, p. 118-133
Negalia. Neįgalieji / Disabilities. Disabled persons; Pedagogika / Pedagogy.
Summary / Abstract:

LTStraipsnyje nagrinėjami kai kurie metodologiniai mokymosi negalių tyrimo ir koregavimo klausimai. Siekiant išryškinti bendriausius šios problemos sprendimo principus gretinama analitinė ir holistinė mokslinio pažinimo prieiga. Moderniojoje akademinėje psichologijoje vyraujanti analitinė prieiga reiškiasi įsitikinimu, kad sudėtingą reiškinį galima pažinti jį skaidant dalimis, aiškinantis jų tarpusavio ryšius ir kaupiant empiriškai patikrinamus faktus. Ši tendencija būdinga gausiai ir įvairiai mokymosi negalias nagrinėjančiai ir jų koregavimo būdus siūlančiai ir vertinančiai literatūrai, tačiau kol kas bendros koncepcijos šiuo klausimu nėra. Straipsnyje plačiau pristatoma holistinei prieigai atstovaujančio prancūzų audiopsichofonologo Alfredo Tomatiso teorinis požiūris ir juo grindžiamas mokymosi negalių įveikos būdas. Teigdamas, kad mokymosi negalios yra komunikavimo problema, pasireiškianti kaip klausymo sutrikimas, jis siūlo originalų teisingo klausymo atkūrimo būdą, kurį, kaip Tomatiso metodiką, žino ir taiko daugelis psichologinės pagalbos įstaigų visame pasaulyje. Skirtingai nuo praktikų, akademinė psichologija susidomėjimo A. Tomatiso idėjomis nerodo, tad ir diskusija šiuo klausimu nevyksta. Todėl ir straipsnyje keltas klausimas apie mokymosi negalių problemos sprendimo galimybes lieka atviras. [Iš leidinio]Reikšminiai žodžiai: Aukštieji garso dažniai; Elektroninė ausis; Garsinis stimuliavimas; Girdėjimas ir klausymas; Mokymosi negalia; Auditory stimulation; Auditory stimulation, high frequency tones; Electronic ear; Hearing and listening; High frequency tones; Learning disability.

ENThe article examines some methodological problems of research and treatment of learning disabilities. Analytic and holistic approaches to learning disabilities are introduced. Mainstream academic psychology is currently dominated by the analytic approach, which seeks to reduce complex phenomena to its parts in order to study and understand existing interactions between them. A review of literature reveals, that generally learning disabilities are defined in terms of deficits of various cognitive and language abilities and skills necessary for learning. Most often offered treatment procedures are based on programs that focus on improving deficient skills through repetition of various cognitive exercises. We put special emphasis on holistic approach which is presented through theorizing and the treatment of learning disabilities by French audio-psycho-phonologist Alfred Tomatis. According to A. Tomatis, neither normal nor abnormal behaviour can be understood without relating it to 1) the functioning of the whole organism, and 2) the historical and individual developmental processes. From his point of view, language, as a tool for communication, plays a very important role in the humanization of an individual. Individual personal development also confirms that the need for communication emerges already in the prenatal stage, when the link between foetus and mother is maintained, as the foetus hears from the 5th month of intrauterine life.The desire to communicate is implicit in the realization of human consciousness. Considering learning difficulties which are related with written language A. Tomatis claims that it is communication - primarily listening - disorder. The treatment, proposed by A. Tomatis, consists in teaching a person to use his ear as an apparatus capable of listening. He developed an electronic device called Electronic Ear designed to modify the way in which a subject listened and to help him improve language, learning and communication skills. Practitioners using A. Tomatis method confirm its effectiveness. However, it would be very difficult to evaluate his method through analytical experiments that would satisfy academic psychology, which remains sceptical. To contribute to the progress in understanding and treatment of learning disabilities academic psychology should pay more attention to the ideas approved in practice and to find more flexible ways of detection and evaluation of personal change. [From the publication]

1392-0359; 2345-0061
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