Studentų su negalia požiūris į ugdymosi galimybes

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Mokslo publikacijos / Scientific publications
Document Type:
Straipsnis / Article
Lietuvių kalba / Lithuanian
Studentų su negalia požiūris į ugdymosi galimybes
Alternative Title:
Disabled object of education in the changing system of education
In the Journal:
Pedagogika. 2001, 49, p. 159-167
Ekonominė politika. Globalizacija. Integracija / Economic policy. Globalisation. Integration; Mokykla / School; Neįgalieji / Disabled persons; Specialusis ugdymas / Special education.
Summary / Abstract:

LTStraipsnyje atskleidžiamas studentų su negalia požiūris j mokymo ir mokymosi galimybes vykstant švietimo sistemos kaitai. Nustatyti pagrindiniai sunkumai, su kuriais susiduria neįgalūs visuomenės nariai, siekdami bendrojo vidurinio ir aukštojo išsilavinimo. Pateikiamos išvados ir siūlymai neįgaliųjų integracijai j mokymo institucijas tobulinti. [Iš leidinio]Reikšminiai žodžiai: Integracija; Neįgalūs studentai; Švietimo sistemos kaita; Integration; Disabled student; Change in educational system.

ENDisabled students, studying in higher education institutions and colleges of Lithuania participated in the research. 83 per cent of the respondents received their certificates of secondary education in secondary schools, 16 per cent - in specializes schools and 1 per cent pointed out, that they acquired their education at home. We defined the attitude of the respondents towards the beginning of the process of integration of the disabled in secondary schools. They are the witness of this process. The results of the research revealed, that the greatest part of disabled students (about 80 per cent) evaluated the beginning of integration of the disabled into secondary schools as average, every ninth or tenth respondent thinks the beginning of this process to be unsuccessful or rather unsuccessful and 9 per cent of the respondents think the beginning of integration of the disabled into secondary schools is positive. The research revealed, that the greatest difficulty when striving to achieve secondary or vocational education lies in financial difficulties (33.3 per cent), lack of confidence (23.1 per cent), lack of specialized means of education (13.2 per cent), lack of good will from other students of the same age (13.3) and unmodified curriculum (13.3 per cent). Integration of disabled students into educational institutions was evaluated quite critically by the respondents. Every second respondent pointed out, that integration of the disabled is just average. Every third respondent marked, that this process is slow and mechanical. Only every tenth respondent thinks that the integration of the disabled into educational institutions is natural (corresponding social situation). [From the publication]

1392-0340; 2029-0551
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