Vaizdo link : okuliarcentrizmas ir jo tyrimo metodologija

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Mokslo publikacijos / Scientific publications
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Straipsnis / Article
Lietuvių kalba / Lithuanian
Vaizdo link: okuliarcentrizmas ir jo tyrimo metodologija
Alternative Title:
Towards the "Visual": ocularcentrist orientation and its research methodology
In the Journal:
Filosofija. Sociologija [Philosophy. Sociology]. 2010, t. 21, Nr. 1, p. 3-10
Summary / Abstract:

LTVizualinė kultūra, tiksliau, dėmesys vaizdui, yra laikomas reikšmingu ir išskirtiniu europinės kultūros bruožu. Regėjimo pirmenybei kitų pojūčių atžvilgiu (klausos, lytėjimo ar kvapo) įvardyti vartojamas okuliarcentrizmo terminas. Europos kultūros įvardijimas okuliarcentristine remiasi humanitarinių mokslų srities (kultūrologijos, religijotyros) argumentais. Šiame straipsnyje pristatoma socialinių mokslų srities, sociologijos krypties mokslinių argumentų vizualinės kultūros svarbos ir vietos analizei paieška ir galimybės. Pagrindinis dėmesys skiriamas vaizdo svarbos ir požiūrio į ją tyrimo metodologijai. Straipsnyje nėra orientuojamasi į gilią ir išsamią empirinių duomenų analizę. Pastarieji čia pateikiami tik metodikos verifikavimo ir demonstravimo tikslams. [Iš leidinio]Reikšminiai žodžiai: Okuliacentrizmas; Okuliarcentrizmas; Vaizdo kultūra; Vertybinės orientacijos; Vizualinė kultūra; Oculacenrism; Ocularcentrism; Value attitudes; Visual culture.

ENThe author analyses the empirical methodology of the research of ocular centrism. Visual culture for a long time has been a privileged object of semiotics in which the meanings of the objects of culture are analysed. The importance of visuality in Western European culture traditionally was analysed by culture studies. Martin Jay has used the term ocular centrism to describe the centrality of the visual in the contemporary Western life and stated that visual culture, more precisely the focus on vision, is a significant and exceptional feature of Western culture. However, ocular centrism of Western culture in sociology is usually taken as an axiom or based on the power of mass media and arguments of other sciences. The methodology of estimating the preference of vision in respect of other senses was verified during the research in Lithuania, Latvia and Norway. The methodology is based on the analysis of indirect attitudes towards different aspects of personal presentation. For the analysis of attitudes toward visualise, the cognitive aspect of value attitudes was used. The questions were formulated to elucidate indirect experience and generalised observation rather than individual preferences. This, on the one hand, allows avoiding stereotype answers that may give the respondent a possibility to portray him/herself as having 'good taste' or being a prudent person (what is usually happening if we ask about the respondents own preferences).On the other hand, it allows an extension of information validity, because respondents present not their own attitudes but a generalisation of their observations. Data analysis proved the methodology through showing the existence of a relation between behavioural and emotional attitudes towards artefacts of ocular centrist culture and cognitive ocular centrism in public and private spheres. Data analysis showed Norwegians to be more ocular centric, while Lithuanians are oriented to deconstruction of meanings. While regarding local culture as a different one, Lithuanians may see a need for a deconstruction of the meanings of visual materials that seem to be obvious for Norwegians. [From the publication]

0235-7186; 2424-4546
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