Kai kurie archyviniai šaltiniai apie rusų teatro Vilniuje steigimą 1841-1849 m.

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Mokslo publikacijos / Scientific publications
Document Type:
Straipsnis / Article
Lietuvių kalba / Lithuanian
Kai kurie archyviniai šaltiniai apie rusų teatro Vilniuje steigimą 1841-1849 m
Alternative Title:
Some Archival Sources About the Establishment of the Russian Theatre in Vilnius in 1841-1849
In the Journal:
Menotyra. 2005, Nr. 4 (41), p. 8-11
Vilnius. Vilniaus kraštas (Vilnius region); Lietuva (Lithuania); Archyvai / Archives; Rusų kalba / Russian language; Teatras. Scenografija / Theater. Scenography.
Summary / Abstract:

LTStraipsnio objektas – archyviniai šaltiniai, kurie papildo jau žinomus Vilniaus teatrinio gyvenimo faktus, susijusius su rusų teatro steigimu, ir liudija naujus, istoriografijoje neminėtus. Publikacijoje fragmentiškai pateikiami ir patys dokumentai, ir pastebėjimai išanalizavus jų visumą. Pasirinktas laikotarpis – keleri metai prieš lūžį, kada pradėti reguliarūs spektakliai rusų kalba (1845 m.), ir po jo – yra būdingas pasirinktos temos aspektu ir tiksliai ją atspindi. [Iš leidinio]Reikšminiai žodžiai: Vilniaus miesto teatras; Rusų teatras Vilniuje; Archyviniai šaltiniai; Teatras; Vilnius City Theatre; Rusian Theatre in Vilnius; Archive Sources; Theatre of the XIX th Century.

ENThe subjects of the article are archival sources, which complement the knowledge on Vilnius’ theatrical life related to the founding of the Russian theater. After having been analysed as a whole, fragments of the documents themselves as well as observations are presented. The objective of the publication is to look at what these documents say about the actions of some theater figures and the government during the time when the Russian theater was being founded, as well as about the rather intricate circumstances surrounding the move of the theater from Vilnius Street into the Town Hall and the efforts to invite Russian actors to work in Vilnius. In that sense, the time frame is chosen appropriately, i.e. a few years before and after the turning point (in 1845), when the plays in Russian began to be performed on a regular basis. Due to the scope of the article, the sources were mostly limited to two archives – Vilnius’ civil governor’s and Vilnius’ general governer’s chancellaries. In these archives, facts otherwise not mentioned in historiography and regarding the situation in 1845 as well the unsettling circumstances during the establishment of the Russian theater can be found. [From the publication]

1392-1002; 2424-4708
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