Švietimo kokybės monitoringas: socialinės realybės užsakymas ir jo perspektyvos

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Mokslo publikacijos / Scientific publications
Document Type:
Straipsnis / Article
Lietuvių kalba / Lithuanian
Švietimo kokybės monitoringas: socialinės realybės užsakymas ir jo perspektyvos
In the Journal:
Filosofija. Sociologija [Philosophy. Sociology]. 2000, Nr. 1, p. 26-33
Šiauliai. Šiaulių kraštas (Šiauliai region); Vilnius. Vilniaus kraštas (Vilnius region); Lietuva (Lithuania); Mokykla / School.
Summary / Abstract:

LTStraipsnyje analizuojami veiksniai, skatinantys ir trukdantys švietimo monitoringą Lietuvoje. Aptariami įvairaus lygmens atliekamo monitoringo (šalies, regiono, švietimo įstaigos mastu) ypatumai, išskiriami pagrindiniai monitoringo organizavimo ir vykdymo etapai. Parodoma švietimo monitoringo svarba ir nauda objektyviau nustatant tikrąją švietimo būklę ir racionaliau skirstant lėšas švietimo reikalams. [Iš leidinio]Reikšminiai žodžiai: Švietimo kokybės monitoringas; švietimo sistemos rodikliai; švietimo; Kokybė; švietimo sistema; Monitoring of public education quality; Indicators of education system; Public education quality; Public education system.

ENThe author maintains that the monitoring of the quality of public education is not only a challenge of time but also the necessity. On extension of market relations the quality of supplied public education services becomes a subject of higher importance. Efforts to assess objectively the level of public education shall be made not only on request of the EU or politicians seeking to distribute funds for public education as rationally as possible, but also on demand of parents who would like to get such information on the educational institutions that they choose for their children. Although the quality of public education is not an easily measurable and comparable matter, the efforts in this direction shall be made in future more actively. We will try to assess and compare the phenomena of public education not only within the areas of possible comparativeness, but also within ambiguous spheres. It is shown that the monitoring public education may be successfully used on pursuing the determined purposes not only on the level of the state, but also on the level of a region (municipality) or a concrete institution of public education. It is evident that public education monitoring requires participation of competent specialists. In Western states this work is performed by specially trained public education sociologists. The need for such specialists is also growing in Lithuania. Our higher schools should train them. First of all this task is to be performed by higher teacher training schools such as Vilnius Pedagogical University, Šiauliai University, Vilnius University (maybe also colleges). [From the publication]

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2018-12-17 10:42:02
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