Diskursas apie lietuvių kalbą žiniasklaidoje: teminiai kontekstai ir kalbinės nuostatos

Mokslo publikacijos / Scientific publications
Document Type:
Knygos dalis / Part of the book
Lietuvių kalba / Lithuanian
Diskursas apie lietuvių kalbą žiniasklaidoje: teminiai kontekstai ir kalbinės nuostatos
Alternative Title:
Discourse on the Lithuanian language in the mass media: thematic contexts and language attitudes
Lietuva (Lithuania); Kalbos vartojimas. Sociolingvistika / Language use. Sociolinguistics; Kalbos politika / Language policy.
Summary / Abstract:

LTŠio skyriaus tikslas – nustatyti, kokiuose teminiuose kontekstuose interneto naujienų portaluose kalbama apie lietuvių kalbą ir kokios kalbinės nuostatos reiškiamos lietuvių kalbos atžvilgiu. 2019 m. Valstybinė lietuvių kalbos komisija patvirtino Lietuvių kalbos prestižo stiprinimo programą (Nutarimas dėl lietuvių... 2019). Joje teigiama, kad „iš viešojoje erdvėje besiklostančių kalbinių nuostatų matyti, kad lietuvių kalbos prestižas kai kuriose visuomenės grupėse nėra aukštas“ (ten pat). Dokumente pateikiamas padėties įvertinimas ir numatomi tikslai bei uždaviniai lietuvių kalbos prestižui stiprinti. Viename iš uždavinių minimos žiniasklaidos priemonės: „7.1. skatinti domėjimąsi lietuvių kalba, formuoti teigiamas visuomenės (įvairių tikslinių grupių, tarp jų ir užsienio lietuvių bendruomenių) nuostatas dėl lietuvių kalbos ir jos vartojimo, aktyvinti žiniasklaidos, akademinės bendruomenės ir visuomenės dialogą aktualiais kalbos klausimais“ (ten pat). Taigi, siekiama paskatinti diskusijas kalbos klausimais. Be abejo, žiniasklaidos vaidmuo būtų kaip tarpininkės – suteikti diskusijoms erdvę ir atspindėti kuo platesnę nuomonių įvairovę. Šiame skyriuje siekta pasižiūrėti, kokios su lietuvių kalba susijusios temos atspindimos žiniasklaidoje ir kokie kalbos aspektai yra dažniausiai aptariami, kaip jie argumentuojami. [Iš straipsnio, p. 248]

ENThis chapter aims to identify in which thematic contexts the Lithuanian language is mentioned on online news portals and what language attitudes towards the Lithuanian language are expressed. To achieve the aim, a mass media corpus was compiled. The most popular online media portals, such as delfi.lt, 15min.lt, lrt.lt, were chosen and 668 articles were collected from September 2019 to December 2020. The research on mass media employed quantitative and qualitative analyses combining methods of corpus linguistic and discourse analysis. Firstly, a frequency list of nouns was compiled and the left and right collocates of the studied collocation “lietuvių kalb*“ [Lithuanian language*] were determined. During the following stage of the research, an argumentation model for discourse analysis proposed by M. Reisigl and R. Wodak (2001) was applied, which allows for the identification of the dominant arguments and predicative strategies in articles that express the prevailing attitudes in society with regard to the Lithuanian language. The analysis showed that many of the same nouns belong to different topics, so only by narrowing down the linguistic context, i.e., by including left and right collocates, and by identifying fixed compounds, was it possible to clearly define the relevant thematic contexts in which the Lithuanian language is discussed. They are usually related to culture, school, a matriculation examination of the Lithuanian language and literature, the Lithuanian language and literature curriculum in Lithuanian schools and those of minorities, learning Lithuanian as a foreign language, the maintenance of the Lithuanian language in emigration, and the Lithuanian language policy. The discourse on the Lithuanian language on the online news portals is formed by reflecting current events in society and presenting assessments of members of society, analysing one or another phenomenon, its causes, consequences, etc.This is done by means of the so-called arguments, which express positive or negative aspects of the Lithuanian language. A positive context prevails when reference is made to the availability of world-famous literary works as well as songs in Lithuanian by well-known Lithuanian singers. Positive attitudes are also expressed towards foreigners who decide to learn the Lithuanian language. There is an ambiguity about the expressive power of Lithuanian - some research participants believe that it is inexhaustible, while others emphasise that the language lacks modernity because, especially in comparison with English, the expressive powers are different. A negative context prevails when it comes to native Lithuanian-speaking students and their poor results on matriculation exams of the Lithuanian language and literature. There is disagreement in society about the curriculum and examination of Lithuanian language and literature. Lithuanian is said to be difficult for native speakers and also a complex language for minorities to learn. Both positive and negative attitudes can be seen in the context of emigration as there are many difficulties and obstacles in maintaining the Lithuanian language, yet it is seen as a value and an integral part of the Lithuanian identity. It should be stressed that all of these attitudes are usually expressed not by journalists themselves, but by quoting, interviewing, or publishing the opinions and comments of members of the public, professionals, or experts who are relevant to the issues in question. Qualitative analysis of the articles shows that they reflect rather stereotypical attitudes of the public on the issues discussed. [From the publication p. 301-302]

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