LT2016 m. vykdyti žvalgomieji ir detalieji tyrimai Daktariškės senovės gyvenvietėje II (UK 16433), Telšių raj. sav., ir greta jos teritorijos. Mokslinėje literatūroje ši archeologinė vietovė vadinama Daktariškės 5 gyvenviete. Darbai vyko įgyvendinant projektą "Pirmieji indoeuropiečiai Lietuvoje. Virvelinės keramikos kultūra 2900–2400 m. pr. Kr." (LIP–011/2016), finansuojamą Lietuvos mokslo tarybos. Tyrimų tikslai buvo du: patikslinti keramikos seką ir pažinti subneolito ir neolito bendruomenių ūkį bei pragyvenimo strategijas. Daktariškės 5 gyvenvietė dėl puikiai išlikusių radinių, stratifikuoto sluoksnio ir plačios chronologijos yra labai svarbi Vakarų Lietuvos subneolito neolito bronzos amžiaus keramikos sekai pažinti. Artimiausioje perspektyvoje naujų kasinėjimų nenumatoma, nes laukia daugybė laboratorinių darbų, 2016 m. ir ankstesnių kasinėjimų medžiagos analizė. [...]. [Iš teksto, p. 41-42, 47]
ENIn 2016, in implementing the project First Indo-Europeans in Lithuania. Corded Ware Culture, 2900–2400 cal bc (LIP–011/2016), which is financed by the Research Council of Lithuania, an evaluation and excavation were conducted at Daktariškė old settlement II (16433) and beside it. In scientific literature it is called the Daktariškė 5 site. Unsystematic fieldwalking was conducted in roughly 11 ha. An Inspire 1 drone created a high resolution orthophoto of 5 ha at the settlement and its vicinity. A magnetic survey was conducted in 2.46 ha using a GRAD–601 fluxgate gradiometer. 19 boreholes were drilled and 13 test pits (36 m2 ) and 2 trenches (48.6 m2 ) excavated. Three structures possibly from an archaeological period and with no clear purpose were recorded in test pits excavated on the shore of the old lake. An 80 cm thick archaeological layer, which thinned in the direction of dry land, was discovered on the lake’s edge. 4–12 archaeological horizons were distinguished in a lakebed depression that had existed in the lacustrine sapropel and peat, although finds from various periods were discovered mixed together in peaty sand nearer the shore in the shallower waters of the lake’s edge.A total of 121 flint flakes and artefacts (133 g), 939 finds made of other stone (about 50 kg), 627 sherds of hand built pottery (7.7 kg), 11 amber flakes and artefacts, and a bronze (?) artefact fragment were discovered. The finds date to the Sub-Neolithic–early Bronze Age (4500–1700 cal bc). Four pottery assemblages were distinguishable on the basis of stratigraphy and typology: Early Sub-Neolithic (akin to Narva ware), middle sub-neolithic (akin to Comb ware), late sub-neolithic (akin to Šventoji 4 sub-neolithic ware), Neolithic (Corded ware) and early bronze age. That the latest pottery producers already used copper alloys was confirmed by small ornament(?) fragments manufactured from thin sheet metal. Two stone axe bore cores should probably also be dated to the Bronze Age, but unfortunately both were found in the plough layer. Only three vertical stakes were found. This small number of stakes shows that stationary fishing was not conducted near the settlement. The incidence of many small pine lath fragments in the exclusively Sub-Neolithic layers indicates changes in the fishing inventory in the early neolithic. The numerous, various-sized stones found in the lacustrine sediments were net weights used in every period. The smaller ones were tied to the nets by wrapping them in birch bark. 75 various sized macrobotanical and palynological samples were taken from the archaeological layer in the trenches and the acidity of the archaeological layer was determined in its various horizons. Owing to the excellent survival of the finds, the stratified layer, and the broad chronology, Daktariškė 5 settlement is very important for learning about the sequence of West Lithuanian sub neolithic bronze age pottery. [From the publication]