LT2017 m. liepą LLKĮS žvalgė Kęstučio apygardos Birutės rinktinės Dubysos rajono partizanų štabo žeminės Blinstrubiškių miške (UK 38834) (Raseinių r., Viduklės sen.) aplinką. Aptikti radiniai perduoti saugoti į RKIM. Atlikus žvalgymus liko nenustatyta kautynių vieta, tarybinių pajėgų puolimo ir partizanų atsiraukimo kryptys. Tačiau prie žeminės surastos vokiškų rankinių granatų dalys, į PR nuo žeminės aptiktas apkasas su iššautomis vokiškomis ir prancūziškomis tūtelėmis liudija partizanų pasipriešinimą. Šie radiniai leidžia spėti, kad kautynių ir partizanų žūties vietos reikia ieškoti P, PV ir PR kryptimis. Pateikėjų pasakojimai, gręžinių stulpeliuose aptiktos apdegusių lentų atplaišos, angliukų telkiniai, žvalgant surastos perdegusios vinys įrodo, kad per kautynes kilo gaisras. Siekiant nustatyti tikslią 1951 m. kovo 27 d. Blinstrubiškių miško kautynių ir partizanų žūties vietą, žvalgymus būtina tęsti. [...]. [Iš teksto, p. 632, 640]
ENIn 2017, the Union of Lithuanian Freedom Fighters conducted a survey in the vicinity of the headquarters dugout of the Kęstutis district, Birutė brigade, Dubysa tactical zone in Blinstrubiškiai forest (Raseiniai district). The expedition collected archaeological data about the 27 March 1951 battle as well as the lives and lifestyle of the freedom fighters. A 43–49 x 42–43 m area (almost 1950 m2 ) was thoroughly surveyed and isolated finds discovered up to a distance of 310 m from the dugout pit. 523 special finds (and another 264 uninventoried finds) were discovered during the survey. These consisted of Russian, German, French, and Swedish ammunition, German hand grenade fragments, partisan gear elements, uniform parts, communications, medical, hygiene, and household items, tools, dugout construction elements, etc. At least 80 galvanic elements, which is so far the largest collection of partisan war period power sources in Lithuania, were found in the vicinity of the dugout.The fact that unfired German and French cartridges predominated among the ammunition and that damaged cartridges were being used as a source of gunpowder confirmed the stories related by the local inhabitants that no battle had occurred near the Blinstrubiškiai forest dugout. The location of the battle site, the direction, from which the Soviet forces attacked, and the direction, in which the partisans withdrew, remained unestablished after the survey. However, the german grenade pieces found in the vicinity of the dugout and the empty German and French cartridges discovered to the SE of the dugout attest to partisan resistance. These finds allow one to speculate that the battle site and the place where the partisans died needs to be sought to the S, SW, and SE.Based on the nine boreholes drilled in the dugout, the Blinstrubiškiai forest dugout had been sunk about 1.15 m into the ground and pine boards had been used in its construction. The remains of a small stove were recorded. The stories told, the charred board chips found in the borehole cores, the charcoal deposits, and the burnt nails discovered during the survey are proof of the fire that burned during the battle. An Austro-Hungarian M1895 bayonet, a German razorblade, a bent fork and spoon, unfired cartridges, and deposits of Russian cartridges unconnected with the Blinstrubiškiai forest partisans were discovered to the NE of the dugout. The first finds recall the late 19th early 20th century or the First World War and the rest events of the Second World War. [From the publication]