II Pasaulinio karo vokiečių karių kapinės Mažeikių rajone 2016 m.

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II Pasaulinio karo vokiečių karių kapinės Mažeikių rajone 2016 m
Alternative Title:
Second World War german military gravesites in Mažeikiai district in 2016
In the Journal:
Archeologiniai tyrinėjimai Lietuvoje. 2018, 2017 metais, p. 604-608
Summary / Abstract:

LT2016 m. VDK užsakymu Mažeikių rajone buvo tęsiami II Pasaulinio karo vokiečių karių ekshumavimo darbai. Darbai vykdyti Viekšnių miestelio senosiose kapinėse ir Mažeikių miesto parke. Tiriant aptikti palaikai bus perlaidoti vokiečių karių kapinėse Klaipėdoje. Kapuose rastos prastai išlikusios aprangos ir ekipuotės liekanos bus perlaidotos kartu su palaikais, geresnės būklės daiktai perduoti MM. Tapatybės nustatymui svarbūs identifikaciniai žetonai ir daiktai, buteliai su dokumentais bei simbolinės reikšmės kario palikuonims galintys turėti asmeniniai daiktai perduoti VDK. [...]. [Iš teksto, p. 604, 608]

ENIn 2016, an investigation of Second World War German military graves were conducted in old cemeteries in the town of Viekšniai and in a park in the city of Mažeikiai (Both locations are in Mažeikiai district (Northwest Lithuania)) and the remains were exhumed. All of the exhumed remains will be reburied in military cemeteries in Klaipėda. A total of 58.2 m2 was excavated in Viekšniai and the graves of 20 soldiers, their heads to the S, were discovered at a depth of 0.7–1.2 m. All (but one) (who were mostly 20–45 year old males) had been interred without a coffin. A 45x45x20 cm box with burnt human bones was discovered in one grave. Fragments of uniforms, footwear, and gear as well as personal items and in four graves, glass bottles for keeping documents were found near the remains. 16 of the 20 buried soldiers had identification tags. Signs of injuries, fractures, amputations, and treatment were identified. A 56.7 m2 area was excavated in a Mažeikiai city park after the trees growing over the graves had been removed. The remains of five German soldiers were exhumed. The dead had been buried at a depth of 1.1–1.3 m with their heads to the E. Two had been interred prone without a coffin, three supine in plank coffins that widened at the head. An identification tag and the remains of clothing: uniform buttons, jackboots, cloth, a belt buckle, and leather belts were found near the remains. Medical gear: rubber drainage tubes and straps were likewise recovered. Several of the dead had signs of dental work: a removable partial denture and a white metal tooth. One had a fracture of the right leg, another an amputated left arm. [From the publication]

2024-04-08 11:37:07
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