Pylimo gatvė 17

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Document Type:
Straipsnis / Article
Lietuvių kalba / Lithuanian
Pylimo gatvė 17
Alternative Title:
Pylimo st. 17
In the Journal:
Archeologiniai tyrinėjimai Lietuvoje. 2018, 2017 metais, p. 427-435
Summary / Abstract:

LT2017 m. buvo tęsiami archeologiniai tyrimai sklype Pylimo g. 17, Vilniuje ir šio sklypo artimiausioje aplinkoje. Sklype 2017 m. vykusių tyrimų metu dar buvo išlikęs XX a. 7 dešimtmetyje statytas pastatas "Lietuvos" kino teatras. Pradėjus detaliuosius tyrimus, jau vyko šio pastato griovimo darbai. Vietoje nugriauto pastatytas panašaus tūrio pastatas, kuriame įsikūrė Modernaus meno centras (MMC). Šiame sklype archeologiniai tyrimai jau vyko 2006 (ATL 2006 metais, 2007, p. 363–364), 2014 (ATL 2014 metais, 2015, p. 450–452) ir 2016 m. (ATL 2016 metais, 2017, p. 354–358). Nustatyta, kad jame esama 1,4–4 m storio archeologinio sluoksnio, archeologinių struktūrų (krosnių liekanų, mūrinių konstrukcijų). Manoma, kad kultūrinis sluoksnis galėjo pradėti formuotis dar ikiistoriniais laikais. Gyventa šioje Vilniaus dalyje ir viduramžiais, XIV–XV a. XVI a. pabaigoje-XVII a. I pusėje čia, tuometiniame priemiestyje, vyko gamybinė veikla-gaminti keraminiai dirbiniai, statybinės medžiagos. Minimu laikotarpiu sklype būta mūrinių statinių, kurie vėliau vienu metu (per 1655–1661 m. maskvėnų invaziją? rekonstruojant įtvirtinimus prieš ją?) buvo nugriauti. Aptikta daug XVII a. II puse-XVIII a. datuojamų radinių, kurie koncentravosi ūkinėse duobėse. 2017 m. žvalgymai patvirtino ankstesnio tyrimo rezultatus-vertingo kultūrinio sluoksnio žvalgytose vietose aptikti tik menki fragmentai. Sklypo ŠV dalyje nugriovus čia buvusius pagalbinius kino teatro pastatus, atlikti santykinai nedidelės apimties žemės kasimo darbai: gruntu užpiltas vieno iš pastatų rūsys, išrauti čia augę medžiai, nuardytos betoninių plytelių dangos ir minimaliai nukasti žemiau jų buvę grunto sluoksniai. Archeologijos vertybių šių darbų metu neaptikta. [...]. [Iš teksto, p. 427-428, 434]

ENIn 2017, the investigation continued on the plot at Pylimo st. 17 where the Lietuva, a large cinema, had been built in the Soviet era in the W part of Vilnius Old Town. The activities that occurred on this plot near the Vingriai springs and the stream flowing from it, which supplied the city of Vilnius with drinking water, changed over the course of time. A bronze brooch discovered during the 2017 investigation was dated to the 10th century. Under the former cinema building, after its demolition, an undisturbed cultural layer, the earliest part of which, based on the finds discovered in it, dated to the late 14th early 15th centuries, was found. The remains of a large wooden structure discovered at this location also date to the same period. It is thought that these could be vestiges of the palisade on the rampart located in the W part of Vilnius Old Town and known from historical sources. The 16th–17th century part of the cultural layer at the investigated site is not very rich. The investigation data allow the statement to be made that during the aforementioned period, the plot, which found itself outside the Vilnius City defensive wall, which was erected in the early 16th century, was used more for economic and manufacturing purposes than residential ones. The remains of an industrial kiln and of a wooden water line oriented towards the city and dating to the aforementioned period were discovered.While a wooden water line freely cut across the plot in the 16th–17th centuries, it had already been bypassed in the 18th–19th centuries. Buildings, which are marked in the 1737 plan of the city of Vilnius, already exist on the plot in the (late 17th century?) first half of the 18th century. The plot’s development was governed by the fact that the wooden water line had been moved closer to the stream and the edge of the ditch of the Vilnius City defensive wall lay near its E boundary. It is interesting that it was not only usual to lay a wooden water line underground, but also, so it is thought, to install wooden water lines using the aqueduct principle where the pipes were raised above the ground’s surface on masonry columns. This water line dates to the 18th century. In the mid 18th century, probably 1748, the plot’s territory was devastated by a fire and after that time gardens existed at this location. Even in the first half of the 20th century, the present day plot was weakly developed with small buildings. [From the publication]

2024-04-02 12:12:58
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