LTPirmieji Trakų pusiasalio pilies mūrų tvirtinimo ir atstatymo darbai pradėti 1929–1930 ir 1953 m. Jų metu parengtas pilies situacijos planas, sutvirtintas Š bokštas, iš dalies bokštų išvalytos griuvenos. Tačiau sistemingai pusiasalio pilis pradėta tirti 1960-1964 m. Atkastos gynybinių sienų liekanos, ištirta bei dalinai restauruota dalis pilies bokštų, sienų, fiksuoti griuvėsių likučiai. Taip pat parengti restauravimo ir konservavimo projektai. Vadovaujant architektui Stanislovui Mikulioniui (1935– 1992), apie 1970 m. restauruoti ar iš dalies sutvarkyti PR, PV, ŠV ir ŠR bokštai. Vėliau pusiasalio pilyje vykdyti archeologiniai tyrimai taip pat buvo labiau susiję su pilies likučių konservavimo ir restauravimo darbais. 2001-2003 m. restauruotos gynybinės sienos atkarpos tarp PV ir ŠV bokštų, griovio gynybinė siena. 2009-2011 m. restauruotas pilies teritorijoje esantis Dominikonų vienuolynas ir bažnyčios bokštų liekanos. Pastatai restauruoti ir pritaikyti turizmui. [...]. [Iš teksto, p. 197]
ENThe systematic investigation of Trakai Peninsula Castle began during 1960-1964. During it, the remains of the defensive walls were unearthed, some of the castle’s towers and walls were investigated and partially restored, and the remains of the rubble recorded. Under the direction of Architect S. Mikulionis, the SE, SW, NW, and NE towers were restored or partially cleaned up circa 1970. In 2017, at the initiative of the TIM, a technical project for the restoration of the buildings and defensive walls of Trakai Peninsula Castle began to be prepared in order to adapt the castle’s tower and grounds for tourism. The preparation of the project required an archaeological investigation with the purpose of ascertaining whether a possibility existed to level the ground’s surface inside the SE defensive wall. During it, two trenches (20 m²) were excavated. The 16th-17th century cultural layer horizon discovered at a depth of 30 cm in trench 1 should be connected with the former surface of the castle’s courtyard. Fragments of a former rampart and a pit for a masonry wall foundation were unearthed beneath it. The old surface that had existed prior to the construction of the castle was recorded at a depth of 1.3-1.7 m.Fragments of the 2.2 m high defensive wall were unearthed during the investigation. Its upper part consisted of a 60 cm high wall erected in the second half of the 20th century on top of the original wall, which had been created from rows of fairly diversely sized stones. The rows were levelled by inserting brick rubble, the more intact, 14x8.5 cm brick ends being visible in places, as well as crushed stone.The rows of stones at a depth of 65-90 cm were laid so that the flatter surfaces of the stones faced outwards. It is possible to see a more orderly placement of the rows of bricks in this part of the wall. At a depth of 95 cm, perpendicular wall surfaces and a 30 x 25 cm rectangular putlog hole were recorded.Trench 2 was excavated near the exterior face of the outwork’s SE wall. The investigation confirmed the assumption that the hillocks outside the castle had been formed by 20th century inhabitants discarding their household rubbish there. [From the publication]