Pušaloto kapinynas

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Document Type:
Straipsnis / Article
Lietuvių kalba / Lithuanian
Pušaloto kapinynas
Alternative Title:
Pušalotas cemetery
In the Journal:
Archeologiniai tyrinėjimai Lietuvoje. 2018, 2017 metais, p. 153-156
Summary / Abstract:

LT2017 m. Pušaloto kapinyno (Pasvalio r.) teritorijoje, Orelių g. 7 sklype tęsti 2016 m. pradėti detalieji tyrimai (ATL 2016 metais, 2017, p. 131–135). Sklypo savininkei leidus, tyrimai toliau vykdyti į ŠR nuo ankstesniais metais tyrinėto ploto, t. y. prijungiant prie 2016 m. tirto ploto, ištirta 46,75 m2 dydžio perkasa. Šių metu tyrimai dar kartą patvirtino, jog Pušaloto kapinynas yra išskirtinis Lietuvos ŠR regione ir gali suteikti esminės informacijos apie Žiemgalos etnokultūrinės srities laidosenos tradicijas ir jų kaitą per daugiau nei pusę tūkstančio metų. [...]. [Iš teksto, p. 153, 156]

ENIn 2017, an excavation was conducted (a total of 46.75 m2 ) on the plot at Orelių St. 7 in the territory of Pušalotas cemetery (Pasvalys district, North Lithuania) and four burials were discovered, one of which had been completely destroyed but was dated to the 12th-13th centuries on the basis of a penannular brooch chance find. In burial 1, the individual was oriented NE-SW with the head to the NE (41°). The burial contained a narrow iron axe (with a roughly 65 cm long handle), a spearhead with a narrow leaf-shaped blade (and a total spear length of roughly 1.75 m), a Lithuanian-style broad fighting knife-sword prototype, a bracelet manufactured from a broken neck-ring with a spiral (twisted) shank, a bronze coil bracelet, a coil ring, a fragment of an iron pin with a bronze coil bead mounted on its ring head, and a bronze brooch with a adze-shaped foot. Bell-shaped bronze crotals had been sewn to the lower part of the coat’s neckline (Fig. 3). Based on typology, the burial dates to the 6th–7th centuries. In burial 2, the individual was oriented NW-SE with the head to the NW (282°). The burial contained a narrow iron axe and a small knife with a bent back. Based on typology, the burial dates to the 5th-10th centuries. In burial 3, the individual was oriented E–W with the head to the NE (76°). The burial contained a bronze band bracelet with a semicircular cross-section and two coil beads, which formed a V at the site of the neckline of the coat or tunic. [From the publication]

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