LT2018 m. atlikti detalieji tyrimai Vilniuje, Žygimantų g. 12. 2878 m2 ploto sklypas yra prie Neries krantinės, Žygimantų gatvės P pusėje. Jis buvo užstatytas 1 aukšto mūriniais ir mediniais gyvenamaisiais XIX–XX a. I pusės pastatais. Užstatymo plotas 965 m2. Pastatai buvo su rūsiais (ne po visu pastatų perimetru). 2017 m. pastatai nugriauti, rūsiai užversti. Žygimantų g. 12 sklypas priklauso I senamiesčio kvartalui. Jo užstatymas prasidėjo dar XV a. Didelė dalis kvartalo teritorijos priklausė Radvilų jurisdikcijai. Po 1715 ir 1737 m. gaisrų buvusioje Radvilų jurisdikcijoje statyti nauji namai (VAA, f. 1019, a. 11, b. 7743). Dabartinė Žygimantų gatvė suprojektuota patvirtinus 1817 m. Vilniaus vystymo planą, kuriame buvo numatyta nutiesti prospektą palei Neries upę nuo Žaliojo tilto iki arsenalo, sukuriant reprezentacinio mūrinio užstatymo, pagrindiniais fasadais atsukto į upę, zoną. [...]. [Iš teksto, p. 468-469]
ENIn 2018, 1877 m2 were excavated at Žygimantų St. 12, Vilnius. Pieces of the foundations and the rubble-filled cellars of three buildings demolished in 2017 were unearthed. The cellar of the NW building dates to 1861–1886, the building’s foundation to the second half of the 19th century; the cellar of the S building to before 1860, the stairs to the second half of the 19th – early 20th century, the building’s foundation to the second half of the 19th century; the cellar of the NE building to before 1860, the stairs to 1861–1886, and the building’s foundation to before 1861. 17th–19th-century finds discovered near the foundation: sherds of household pottery, pieces of panel stove tiles (Blattkacheln), and fragments of metal artefacts. Fragments of the masonry foundation of an earlier 18th-century building were unearthed to the S of the NE building. The masonry walls have survived fragmentally, having been mostly destroyed. Fragments of stone paving were unearthed in the N part of the plot. Sparse 17th–19th-century finds were discovered above the paving. It is likely that the paving made of small cobbles is the remains of a 17th(?)–18thcentury public or private road that ran E–W towards the Green Bridge. The fragments of large cobblestone paving above it date to the 18th – first half of the 19th century, until the period when the buildings were erected. [From the publication]