LT2018 m. rugpjūčio–rugsėjo mėnesiais atlikti žvalgomieji tyrimai Sodų g. 6 sklype, kuriame suplanuotas gyvenamųjų namų kvartalas. Sklypas Sodų g. 6 išsidėstęs šlaite, istoriniame Rūdninkų arba Šv. Stepono priemiestyje, susiformavusiame išilgai kelio į Rūdninkus itin raižytoje vietovėje. XVII a. už buvusios miesto sienos ir Rūdninkų vartų veikė plačiai žinomas Arklių turgus, šalia kurio ir formavosi Sodų gatvė. Priemiesčiui buvo būdingas retas užstatymas. XVIII a. Sodų gatvės R pusėje didelį plotą užėmė dirbama žemė, sodai, daržai, ganyklos, stovėjo nedideli mediniai nameliai, vadinami dvareliais, sodybomis ar net lūšnomis. Sodų g. 6 sklypas priklausė 1251 posesijai. Nuo XIX a. vidurio iki XX a. vidurio formavosi mūrinis sklypo užstatymas. XX a. viduryje nebesilaikyta istorinių valdų ribų, nacionalizavus sklypą jis buvo padidintas prijungiant gretimos posesijos sodų, daržų bei ūkinės dalies teritoriją. [...]. [Iš teksto, p. 450]
ENIn 2018, 20 test pits (a total of 90.5 m2) were excavated on the plot at Sodų St. 6. Mostly fill layers, which were created in the 20th century and contained 19th–20th-century finds, including a few from the 17th–18th centuries, were discovered in the S, SE, and central parts of the plot. This shows that intense economic activities occurred in the SE part of the plot in the 20th century and that no archaeologically valuable cultural layer formed there or it was completely destroyed. In the cultural layer discovered in the N part of the plot, two horizons can be distinguished: an upper, 19th-century layer of dark grey fatty clay soil, which was recorded in the test pits under the fill layers from a depth of 1.3–1.5 m, and under it, a layer of black sandy soil with 17th–18th-century finds. The earliest archaeological material, which dates to the late 16th–17th centuries, was collected in Test Pit 29, which was excavated alongside Sodų Street. It is likely that the cultural layer formed alongside the street first, the number of finds from that period declining and the layer of black sandy soil thinning as one proceeds further into the plot. The finds from the cultural layer mostly consist of household pottery (fragments of pots and other vessels), somewhat fewer structural ceramics (fragments of stove and roof tiles), and also some nails, bronze thimbles, buttons, rings, iron buckles, a knife with bone scales, ball projectiles, etc. The remains of vanished buildings from the first half of the 20th century and an 18th-century cellar with a cobblestone floor were discovered on the plot. [From the publication]