J. Basanavičiaus gatvė 10

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Sklaidos publikacijos / Dissemination publications
Document Type:
Straipsnis / Article
Lietuvių kalba / Lithuanian
J. Basanavičiaus gatvė 10
Alternative Title:
J. Basanavičiaus st. 10
In the Journal:
Archeologiniai tyrinėjimai Lietuvoje. 2019, 2018 metais, p. 397-400
Vilnius. Vilniaus kraštas (Vilnius region); Lietuva (Lithuania); Archeologiniai tyrinėjimai / Archaeological investigations.
Summary / Abstract:

LT2018 m. lapkritį J. Basanavičiaus g. 10 sklype atlikti žvalgomieji tyrimai, ištirti septyni 2x2 m dydžio, bendro 28 m2 ploto šurfai (1 pav.). Žvalgomieji tyrimai sklype vyko dar 1991 m. (Liudvikas Dzikas), tačiau jų ataskaita liko neparengta, žinoma tik tiek, jog buvo ištirta 11 šurfų, fiksuotas 1,6–2,8 m storio XIX–XX a. supiltinio pobūdžio kultūrinis sluoksnis (LIIR, f. 1, b. 2944). AB „Lietuvos draudimas“ planavo 2019 m. pradėti sklypo užstatymo darbus, kurių metu žemės judinimo darbai vyktų visame sklype. Kadangi tikslių duomenų apie jo teritorijoje susiformavusį kultūrinį sluoksnį nebuvo, 2018 m. atlikti papildomi tyrimai siekiant patikslinti 1991 m. tyrimų rezultatus, nustatyti, ar sklype nėra archeologinio sluoksnio. [...]. [Iš teksto, p. 397-398]

ENIn 2018, an evaluation (seven test pits totalling 28 m2) was conducted on the plot at J. Basanavičiaus St. 10, Vilnius. No archaeologically valuable cultural layer was identified in the greater part of the plot (Test Pits 1–6), the cultural layer that had formed prior to the 20th century having been removed in levelling the plot. The levelling work had been conducted twice: at the turn of the 20th century or in the early 20th century and in the early 21st century. An archaeological layer was discovered only in Test Pit 7, which was excavated in the NE corner of the plot. Two cultural layer horizons were recorded in the test pit: 20th – early 21st centuries and 16th–17th centuries. The 18th–19th-century layers were removed during the early 20th-century levelling of the plot. The remains of a stove were discovered in the 16th–17th-century horizon: heat affected clay daub, one flat surface covered with charcoal and unburnt bricks. The plaster and bricks did not form an integral structure and the finds discovered in the brown clay level had fallen / been dropped without any order. The stove’s purpose was not determined nor were its remains taken apart; a larger scale excavation is required. In cleaning the remains, fragments of late 15th–16th-century household pottery, mostly small fragments of 16th – first half of the 17th-century unglazed ‘bowl-shaped’ stove tiles (Schüsselkacheln), were discovered in the clay layer. Layers of yellowish sand and gravel with charcoal and pieces of burnt clay were recorded (in two boreholes) under the remains of the stove. The original ground’s surface was not recorded in the test pit. [From the publication]

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