LTVilniuje, sklype Vokiečių g. 13A, atlikti čia iki 1957 m. stovėjusios didžiosios sinagogos sta tinių liekanų (uK 41887) žvalgomieji tyrimai. Didžiosios sinagogos kompleksą 2011 m. pradėjo tirti archeologai Z. Baubonis ir M. Mačiulis (ATL 2011 metais, 2012, p. 295–302), 2015 m. komplekso teritorijoje bei aplinkoje geofizinius tyrimus atliko archeologų M. daubaro, J. Seligmano ir Z. Baubonio vadovaujama komanda (ATL 2015 metais, 2016, p. 564), kuri nustatė būsimų tyrimų perspektyviausias vietas. 2016 m. tyrimų metu tikslinti ankstesnių metų geofiziniais tyrimais surinkti duomenys, aptikti pirčių pastato pamatai (ATL 2016 metais, 2017, p. 217–220), 2017 m. tyrimus pratęsė ta pati tyrėjų grupė, ji toliau tyrė pirčių pastato struktūras, aptiko dviejų ritualinių vonių – mikvių liekanų (ATL 2017 metais, 2018, p. 256–258). [...]. [Iš teksto, p. 272]
ENDuring the 2018 investigation, the N corner of the synagogue building and the remains of the base of the bimah that stood in the centre of the synagogue were discovered. The level of the synagogue’s floor was reached in three locations (in Trenches 8, 10, and 11). The investigation of the mikveh, which had been started the previous year, was completed. The NW exterior wall of the bathhouse and the remains of other masonry buildings near it were unearthed. The rubble layers, up to 1 m deep, which contained individual finds and were created in demolishing buildings in the mid- 20th century, were excavated in the vast majority of the locations. These layers were thicker only at the locations investigated inside the building, where the hole it left was also filled with rubble; the discovered layers at these locations were up to 2 m deep. The masonry walls discovered during the architectural investigation date to the 18th–19th centuries. [From the publication]