Partizanų Antano Kraujelio-Siaubūno ir Juozapo Streikaus-Stumbro palaikų paieškos Našlaičių kapinėse Vilniuje

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Partizanų Antano Kraujelio-Siaubūno ir Juozapo Streikaus-Stumbro palaikų paieškos Našlaičių kapinėse Vilniuje
Alternative Title:
Search for the remains of partisans Antanas Kraujelis–Siaubūnas and Juozapas Streikus–Stumbras in Orphans’ Cemetery in Vilnius
In the Journal:
Archeologiniai tyrinėjimai Lietuvoje. 2020, 2019 metais, p. 482-491
Antanas Kraujelis; Juozapas Streikus-Stumbras; Vilnius. Vilniaus kraštas (Vilnius region); Lietuva (Lithuania); Kapinynai. Pilkapiai / Barrow. Burials; Archeologiniai tyrinėjimai / Archaeological investigations.
Summary / Abstract:

LTLGGRTC užsakymu Vilniaus senųjų kapinių, vadinamų Našlaičių kapinėmis (UK 2277), teritorijoje atlikti detalieji tyrimai ieškant partizanų Antano Kraujelio-Siaubūno ir Juozapo Streikaus-Stumbro palaikų. 2017– 2018 m. ištirta 17 perkasų, iš viso 125,25 m2, aptikti 34 kapai (ATL 2017 metais, 2018, p. 671– 681; ATL 2018 metais, 2019, p. 609–617). 16 kapų mirusiųjų palaikai buvo karstuose, atvežti ir čia palaidoti iš įvairių gydymo įstaigų. Dviejuose kapuose aptikti antriniai palaidojimai – matyt, statybų metu surinkti žmonių kaulai. Vienu atveju kapavietė buvo tuščia. 15 kapų aptikti 28 individų palaikai su šautiniais sužalojimais kaukolėse. Spendžiant iš surastų sušaudytų asmenų amžiaus ir ūgio koreliacijos ypatumų, taip pat jų kapų išsidėstymo kapinėse, galime teigti, jog 2017–2018 m. pavyko aptikti tiek Lukiškių kalėjime sušaudytų kriminalinių nusikaltėlių, tiek KGB vidaus kalėjime nužudytų politinių kalinių palaikus. [...]. [Iš teksto, p. 482-484]

ENBy order of the LGGRTC, an excavation was conducted on the grounds of an old Vilnius cemetery called the Orphans’ (Našlaičiai) Cemetery in an effort to discover the remains of partisans Antanas Kraujelis–Siaubūnas and Juozapas Streikus–Stumbras. Judging from the correlation of the age and height of the executed individuals found in 2017–2018, as well as the arrangement of their burials in the cemetery, the remains of both criminals shot in Lukiškės Prison and political prisoners executed in the KGB Inner Prison were successfully discovered. In order to ascertain the possible burial location of Antanas Kraujelis–Siaubūnas, a plan made in 1983 was marked with all of the burial sites, about which data was found in the cemetery book. This book has entries made since 1960 that show not only the date an individual was buried but also the location of the grave in the cemetery. In many cases these are the burials of individuals brought by medical institutions. It became clear that the cemetery and aforementioned plan have many burial sites, about which the aforementioned cemetery book has no entry. The hypothesis was raised that these could be graves, where individuals who were executed in incarceration institutions or who died in battle were hidden. Knowing the date, on which Antanas Kraujelis–Siaubūnas died, namely 17 March 1965, it was expected that his body must have been buried at a similar time. After ascertaining the locations and dates of the burial of individuals brought from medical institutions, the burial sites that were situated beside the graves of patients created in the second half of March 1965, but lacking entries in the cemetery book were excavated (trenches 18–22). After discovering the remains of Antanas Kraujelis–Siaubūnas in such a manner, the burial site of Juozapas Streikus–Stumbras was also sought (trenches 23–25).In 2019, a total of 8 trenches (totalling 46.94 m2) were excavated in Orphans’ Cemetery and 19 graves were discovered. Seven contained individuals who had been buried in coffins and had been come from various medical institutions, two infants, and ten 14 individuals with bullet holes in the skull: six individual burials, four double. The identity of partisans Antanas Kraujelis–Siaubūnas (grave 43) and Juozapas Streikus–Stumbras (grave 48, individual 2) was confirmed genetically. The graves contained a total of 92 registered finds: 3 combs, 3 soap boxes, 2 toothbrushes, glasses, a cigarette holder, a military belt, and 81 buttons. [From the publication]

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2023-11-27 10:56:30
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