LT2015 m. po ilgesnės pertraukos Lietuvoje pradėta vykdyti II Pasaulinio karo vokiečių karių palaikų ekshumacija. Šie darbai pradėti VDK užsakymu. Per pastaruosius 5 archeologinių tyrimų sezonus ekshumuota daugiau kaip 600 karių palaikų. Dauguma jų jau perlaidoti oficialiose karių kapinėse. Vykdant karių kapų paiešką ir jos rezultatus pristatant regioninėje spaudoje bei nacionalinėje ir komercinėse televizijose, į KVGT kreipiasi vis daugiau žmonių, liudijančių apie nei paveldosaugininkams, nei Vokietijos archyvams nežinomas II Pasaulinio karo vokiečių karių palaidojimo vietas. Tokiu būdu plečiasi karių kapų paieškos ir palaikų ekshumavimo geografinis arealas. [...]. [Iš teksto, p. 470-471]
ENIn 2019, an excavation was conducted in a Second World War German military cemetery in W Lithuania. 1545.8 m2 were excavated and the remains of 172 German soldiers were exhumed. 54 had been prisoners, 118 died at the front or in hospital from injuries sustained at the front. Bullet or shrapnel injuries, perimortem fractures connected with artillery fire, and other injuries were identified in 80 skeletons. 131 burials contained finds, mostly uniform and gear elements, but also including ID tags and personal items. A total of 91 ID tags were found, mostly for grenadier, infantry, antiaircraft and rifle battalions or regiments but also for the Grossdeutschland Division and Eutin NCO school. The remains will be reburied in either Aukštieji Šančiai Military Cemetery in Kaunas or a German military cemetery in Klaipėda. In exhuming the military remains in Tryškiai (Telšiai District), the remains of parish burials made in a former church graveyard were found: individual bones as well as 16th–19th-century finds: coins, buttons, crosses, and medals. It is thought that some of the burials at this location had been destroyed during the burial of these Second World War German soldiers. [From the publication]