LT2019 m. Mitkiškių senovės gyvenvietės (UK 2566) (Elektrėnų sav., Kazokiškių sen.) teritorijoje bei vizualinės apsaugos pozonyje abipus teritorijos, planuojamų vykdyti kelio 4717 kapitalinio remonto darbų vietose, atlikti žvalgomieji tyrimai. Mitkiškių senovės gyvenvietės teritorija yra Neries kairiajame, Sukros upelio dešiniajame krante, abipus kelio 4717. Reljefas jos plote yra daugmaž lygus, tik nežymiai nuolaidėjantis Š–ŠR pusėn. Teritorijos V ir Š dalyje yra dirbami laukai, R dalies P pusėje auga jaunas miškas. XIX a. pabaigoje vieškelis čia jau buvo. Apie XX a. 7 dešimtmetį kelias remontuotas, praplėstas ir nužvyruotas. Paskutinį kartą šoniniai kelio grioviai valyti 2007 m. Senovės gyvenvietė yra plataus chronologinio laikotarpio, datuojama įvairiais akmens amžiaus laikotarpiais, I tūkst. – II tūkst. pradžia. Gyvenvietės teritoriją bei artimiausioje jos aplinkoje esančias kitas nekilnojamojo kultūros paveldo vertybes archeologai rezultatyviai tyrinėjo bent tris kartus (ATL 2010 metais, 2011, p. 92; ATL 2015 metais, 2016, p. 86–91; ATL 2016 metais, 2017, p. 460–461). [...]. [Iš teksto, p. 384]
ENIn 2019, 22 test pits (a total of 23 m2) were excavated at the site of planned capital repair work on road 4717 in the territory of Mitkiškės old settlement (Elektrėnai Municipality, E Lithuania) and in its visual protection subzone on both sides, revealing a two horizon cultural layer that is 0.31–1.1 m thick, and up to 1.34 m thick in an area of disturbances (pits). Its upper horizon consists of a 9–70 cm total thickness (including the thickness of the existing ground surface cover) of fill soil and former sod layers that formed in the second half of the 20th – early 21st centuries in repairing the road and clearing the ditches to its sides, and the lower is a 13–64 cm thick, grey or brownish grey soil layer (former plough layer ) that formed prior to the second half of the 20th century atop sterile soil). No cultural layer, rich in finds, was identified at any location but finds from various periods (Stone Age, mid-1st – early 2nd millennium, 17th(?)–19th centuries, Second World War) were discovered throughout the investigated territory. An iron ore smelting site, i.e. a concentration of slag that flowed out during the smelting, was discovered in test pit 10 in the N visual protection subzone of the old settlement’s territory. The period when ore was smelted at this location was not precisely determined because no finds were found among the slag aside from two small fragments of heat-reddened clay (perhaps furnace fragments?). Based on the finds discovered throughout the territory of the old settlement and the visual protection subzone, it is possible to think that iron ore was smelted at this location during the mid-1st – early 2nd millennium. A settlement existed on the right stream bank of the Sukra, and production activities, i.e. iron ore processing, occurred on the left. [From the publication]