Pilies gatvė 36

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Sklaidos publikacijos / Dissemination publications
Document Type:
Straipsnis / Article
Lietuvių kalba / Lithuanian
Pilies gatvė 36
Alternative Title:
Pilies st. 36
In the Journal:
Archeologiniai tyrinėjimai Lietuvoje. 2020, 2019 metais, p. 347-350
Summary / Abstract:

LTPilies g. 36 vidiniame kieme, šalia Rusų g. 1 esančio pastato vykdytų pamatų hidroizoliacijos darbų vietose bei tiesiant naują elektros kabelį buvo atlikti archeologiniai tyrimai. Detaliųjų tyrimų metu ištirtos 3 perkasos, bendras 56,49 m2 plotas. Žvalgomųjų tyrimų metu ištirti du bendro 4 m2 dydžio šurfai. Žvalgytos dvi bendro 32,4 m2 ploto tranšėjos. Arčiausiai tirtos vietos, Pilies g. 36 vidiniame kieme, šalia Rusų g. 1 pastato, 2019 m. A. Kalėjus vykdė žvalgymus. Jis 3,8 m ilgio, 1,1 m pločio iškasoje iki projektinio 1,8 m gylio fiksavo pilkos spalvos XX a. II pusės – XXI a. pradžios permaišytą gruntą su pavieniais XX a. radiniais, įžemio nepasiekė. 2002 m. Literatų g. 7 archeologinius tyrimus atlikęs A. Vaicekauskas vertingo sluoksnio irgi nerado (ATL 2002 metais, 2003, p. 349). [...]. [Iš teksto, p. 347]

ENIn 2019, 3 trenches (a total of 56.49 m2) were excavated in the inner courtyard at Pilies St. 36 and in its vicinity. Fill layers with rubble and isolated 16th–19th-century finds were recorded to a depth of 1 m in the trenches, two different (18th–19th-century) brick structures at a depth of 60 and 90 cm in trench 1, and fragments of two masonry walls from the second half of the 17th – early 19th century (the remains of a former outbuilding foundation) at a depth of 15 and 70 cm in trench 2. Two test pits (a total of 4 m2) excavated during a field evaluation yielded 18th-century stone paving at a depth of 1.3 m and isolated late 16th–18th-century finds but did not reach sterile soil. In addition, two utility trenches totalling 32.4 m2 were monitored. A fill layer of grey soil formed in the 20th century was recorded to a depth of up to 60–90 cm. The foundation of an existing building was unearthed at a depth of 10 cm in utility trench 1. The foundation, bricks, and the method of their binding are characteristic of the 15th–16th centuries. A fragment of an undated masonry wall was partially unearthed at a depth of 80 cm in utility trench 2. Isolated 17th–19th-century finds were discovered. [From the publication]

2023-11-21 10:17:43
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