Tyrimai Šviesos gatvėje

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Sklaidos publikacijos / Dissemination publications
Document Type:
Straipsnis / Article
Lietuvių kalba / Lithuanian
Tyrimai Šviesos gatvėje
Alternative Title:
Investigation on Šviesos street
In the Journal:
Archeologiniai tyrinėjimai Lietuvoje. 2021, 2020 metais, p. 459-462
Summary / Abstract:

LT2020 m. Telšiuose vyko Šviesos gatvės rekonstrukcija. Ši vieta patenka į Telšių senojo miesto vietos (UK 16426) ir Telšių senamiesčio (UK 17133) teritorijas, yra jų R pakraštyje. 1804 m. sudarytame Telšių miesto plane matyti, jog pati Šviesos gatvė dar nesuformuota – jos centrinėje ir R dalyse plyti dirbami laukai, tik V dalis, esanti Turgaus aikštės prieigose, – užstatyta mediniais namais. Tiesa, gatvė suformuota ant Vilniaus kalvos, kur dar 1536 m., funduojant LDK valdovui ir Lenkijos karaliui Žygimantui Senajam, buvo pastatyta pirmoji medinė Telšių bažnyčia bei įkurta parapinė mokykla. [...]. [Iš teksto, p. 459-460]

ENIn 2020, the excavation of roughly 524 m2 in several investigation stages on Šviesos Street in Telšiai determined that a 17th–18th-century cultural layer had previously existed in the W part of the street but had been destroyed in the 19th century in creating the street. This part of the street yielded many sherds of 16th–19th-century household pottery as well as stove tile fragments, coins, and pipes. The central and E parts of the street revealed only 19th–20th-century cultural layers, the majority of which contained only contemporaneous finds. Up until the 19th century, these streets had been worked fields. The investigation also yielded fragments of 2 19th-century wooden building foundations as well as the contours of the holes dug for the bottom timbers of an 18th–19th-century wooden building. The sterile soil contained 19 storage pits connected with everyday life. 491 16th–20th-century finds and 1853 bone and tooth fragments, the majority from cattle, were discovered and catalogued. [From the publication]

2023-10-24 11:18:08
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