Tyrimai Kaune

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Sklaidos publikacijos / Dissemination publications
Document Type:
Straipsnis / Article
Lietuvių kalba / Lithuanian
Tyrimai Kaune
Alternative Title:
Investigation in Kaunas
In the Journal:
Archeologiniai tyrinėjimai Lietuvoje. 2021, 2020 metais, p. 414-417
Kaunas. Kauno kraštas (Kaunas region); Lietuva (Lithuania); Archeologiniai tyrinėjimai / Archaeological investigations.
Summary / Abstract:

LT2020 m. Kauno mieste buvo atlikti archeologiniai tyrimai: Karaliaus Mindaugo prospekto 17 vidiniame kieme ištirtas 38 m2 plotas, žvalgytas 22 m2 plotas, o Nemuno g. 12 ištirta 65 m2 perkasa ir žvalgytas 49 m2 plotas. Karaliaus Mindaugo prospektas 17. 2016 m. L. Girlevičius sklype Karaliaus Mindaugo prospekte 18 ištyrė 30 m2 plotą (3 perkasos po 10 m2). Atlikus žvalgomuosius tyrimus nustatyta, kad visose tirtose vietose yra išlikęs nuo 0,9 iki 1,7 m storio kultūrinis sluoksnis. Sklypo V dalyje, esančioje arčiau Druskininkų gatvės, tirtoje perkasoje 3 atidengtos XVI– XVII a. datuojamo mūrinio pastato su pusrūsiu liekanos (LIIR, f. 1, b. 8230). 2017 m. G. Jonutis vykdė tyrimus Karaliaus Mindaugo prospekte 18. Jų metu ištirta 18 įvairaus dydžio perkasų, 1 šurfas, bendrai 1052 m2 plotas (ATL 2017 metais, 2018, p. 298–306). [...]. [Iš teksto, p. 414]

ENIn 2020, an excavation, field evaluation, and survey were conducted in the city of Kaunas: the excavation of 38 m2 and the survey of 22 m2 in the inner courtyard at Karaliaus Mindaugo Ave. 17 and the excavation of a 65 m2 trench and the survey of 49 m2 at Nemuno St. 12. The investigation at Karaliaus Mindaugo Ave. 17 revealed, under the 1–1.1 m thick, 19th–20th-century layers at previously undisturbed locations, a 20–40 cm thick layer of black soil, which dates to the 17th–18th centuries based on the finds. The investigation yielded 385 finds, mainly sherds of household pottery, glass shards, and stove tile fragments. A second half of the 19th – first half of the 20th-century paving fragment as well as 2 second half of the 19th – second half of the 20th-century masonry wall fragments were also discovered during the investigation. The investigation at Nemuno St. 12 revealed, under the 1–1.1 m thick, 19th–20th-century layers at previously undisturbed locations, a 20–40 cm thick layer of black soil, which dates to the 17th–18th centuries based on the finds. The investigation yielded 867 finds, mainly sherds of household pottery, glass shards, and stove tile fragments, but also 2 pipes: one of local manufacture or brought from Poland or Ukraine and dating to the second half of the 18th century, the other, due to the ‘Lily’ makers mark surviving on a pipe fragment, is thought to have come from the city of Gouda in the Netherlands and dates to 1740–1785. [From the publication]

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