Autoritetas politikoje: Tomo Akviniečio politinės antropologijos metafizinis principas

Mokslo publikacijos / Scientific publications
Document Type:
Straipsnis / Article
Lietuvių kalba / Lithuanian
Autoritetas politikoje: Tomo Akviniečio politinės antropologijos metafizinis principas
Alternative Title:
Authority in politics: the metaphysical principle of political anthropology by Thomas Aquinas
In the Journal:
Soter. 2017, 63 (91), p. 33-48
Summary / Abstract:

LTStraipsnyje tiriamas Tomo Akviniečio politinės filosofijos metafizinis principas, kurį geriausiai atskleisti padeda autoriteto sąvoka. Šį principą sudaro intencionalus žmogaus sąmonės ryšys su Dievo kuriamu pasauliu, t. y. tikrove kaip tokia. Glaustai perteikus Tomo Akviniečio politikos sampratą analizuojama, kokią autoritetų hierarchiją politikoje lemia šis principas bei pagal kokį modelį šie autoritetai organizuoja valstybę. Didelis dėmesys skiriamas pačiai autoriteto sąvokai bei jos transformacijai žydiškoje-krikščioniškoje terpėje. Nagrinėjamos bendrojo gėrio ir žmogaus prigimties sąvokos, politinės valdžios teisėtumo kriterijus, individo laisvės ir jos santykio su politiniu autoritetu problema. Straipsnyje Tomo Akviniečio politinės filosofijos principai yra priešinami moderniųjų laikų politinės filosofijos prielaidoms. Reikšminiai žodžiai: autoritetas, politika, Tomas Akvinietis, tikrovė, sąmonė, bendrasis gėris, laisvė. [Iš leidinio]

ENThe article describes the metaphysical principle of Thomas Aquinas’ political philosophy, which most adequately translates into the concept of authority. This principle involves the intentional rapport between the human consciousness and the world as created by God, i.e. with the reality per se. Authority is a concept harbouring the metaphysical essence, and means a divine capacity of bringing beings into existence. Intentional human consciousness, which in the ethical context is commonly called conscience, is capable of perceiving the God-created reality in a way that the meanings necessary for attaining the order in a political state are figured out naturally. Thus, the highest institute of political authority, according to Thomas Aquinas, consists of the very reality as realized by humans. Following the concise familiarization with the Thomas Aquinas’ concept of politics, the article sets out the details on how this metaphysical principal helps creating a certain political system. First off, a formal concept of the common good is constructed, which is embodied with the concrete content while taking into consideration the actual situation of each and all of the citizens within the world. The article deals with the complex problem of the relationship between the individual and the society, which Thomas Aquinas proposes to solve dynamically. When the common good is identified as a goal of the state, a certain form of governing evolves, along with its executive authority of the political power. The article analyses what original form of governance is proposed by Aquinas and what criterion should be set for power legitimacy. The article particularly emphasizes the problem of human freedom. Presented are the concept of freedom as well as a solution for the problem between this concept and political authority.Human conscience is perceived as an ultimate stance resolving the laws adopted by the authority within political governance. The article is concluded by the analysis of interrelationship between the Thomas Aquinas’ three types of law – the eternal, natural, and human ones. Of central position within the political process is the human nature, the concept of which is dealt with great consideration. The article contrasts the principles of Thomas Aquinas’ political philosophy with the assumptions of political philosophy of the modern times. The latter is based on a certain conception of a subjective and by nature conflict-predisposed human consciousness; therefore, the sole resort in modern times is ascribed to the general pact, by which political authority is converted into a contract instance, instead of the natural one. At the same time, Aquinian metaphysics restores for humans their live contact with the reality, which itself serves the last and most serviceable source of political determination. Keywords: authority, politics, Thomas Aquinas, reality, consciousness, common good, freedom. [From the publication]

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