Zigmanto Liuksemburgiečio veiksnys Lietuvos santykiuose su Vokiečių ordinu 1411-1412 m.

Mokslo publikacijos / Scientific publications
Document Type:
Knygos dalis / Part of the book
Lietuvių kalba / Lithuanian
Zigmanto Liuksemburgiečio veiksnys Lietuvos santykiuose su Vokiečių ordinu 1411-1412 m
Alternative Title:
Factor of Sigismund of Luxemburg in relations between the Grand Duchy of Lithuania and Teutonic Order in 1411-1412
Summary / Abstract:

LTLietuvių istoriografijoje santykiai tarp Lietuvos ir Vokiečių ordino valstybės Prūsijoje yra nuodugniai tyrinėta ir išdiskutuota problema. Daug padaryta tiriant XV a. pirmųjų dviejų dešimtmečių santykių istoriją. Užtenka pasakyti, kad šią temą vienu ar kitu aspektu nagrinėjo Z. Ivinskis, J. Jakštas, A. Janulaitis, B. Dundulis, M. Jučas, E. Gudavičius, A. Nikžentaitis, V. Almonaitis (dėl darbų, kurie besidomintiems šia problematika yra gerai žinomi, gausos apsiribosime tik pavardžių paminėjimu). Šiame straipsnyje į Lietuvos ir Ordino santykius, diplomatinę kovą dėl Žemaitijos pamėginome pažvelgti iš Šventosios Romos imperijos imperatoriaus Zigmanto Liuksemburgiečio politikos perspektyvų. Reikia pasakyti, kad tokio pobūdžio tyrimų mūsuose dar stinga. Dėl gana skirtingo abiejų pusių traktavimo XV a. pirmos pusės Europos visuomenėje: Lietuva - „Europos naujakrikštė, bendraujanti su pagonimis“, Ordinas - „Europos skydas ir riterijos užuovėja“, faktinio jėgų pasikeitimo po 1410 m. bei paties Zigmanto Liuksemburgiečio įvairiapusės politikos tas poveikis buvo nevienareikšmis ir apspręstas daugybės iki šiol neįvertintų faktorių. Chronologiškai straipsnio problemą apribojo dvi tarptautinės - 1411 m. vasario 1 d. Torūnės ir 1412 m. kovo 15 d. Liubovlės - taikos sutartys. [Iš straipsnio, p. 159]

ENThe question of Samogitian dependency was the main political problem of Grand Duchy of Lithuania and the „apple of discord“ between Lithuania and the state of Teutonic Order in Prussia in the first two decades ofXV century. The question wasn’t solve in the military company of 1409-1411. The military weakness of Teutonic Order didn’t make influence to it’s political and diplomatical status. Teutonic Order kept it’s support in Western Europe and Grand Duchy of Lithuania had to fight more complicated diplomatical war in 1411-1422 until the victorious peace treaty of Melno. The Question of Samogitian dependency wasn’t so simple and attracted attention of other political subjects: Pope, Emperor and the rulers of neighbour states. The most important influence in this question made Emperor of Holy Roman Empire (elected in 1410, crowned in 1433), king of Hungary (1387-1437) and Czechia (1436-1437) Sigismund of Luxemburg, great tactic and master of diplomatical games.The article focuses on his political and diplomatical factor in the period between Thomo (1411 02 01) and Lubovic (1412 03 15) peace treaties. This period for Sigismund was the time of double game, which appeared because of his situation as a ruler. As a pretender to the throne of Holy Roman Empire he was made to support Teutonic Order diplomatically. The support for him became important instrument to achieve the favour of some unfriendly dukes in Germany. On the other hand, as a king of Hungary, he agreed to start peace negotiations with Jogaila and Vytautas. Only the antiluxemburgian coalition of Jogaila and Vytautas with Venice, Austrian Habsburgs, Moldavia and Walachia which appeared in the end of 1411 - the beginning of 1412 and unsuccessful financial agreements with Teutonic Order made him to look over of his positions. The result of this reviewing was the peace treaty in Lubovlc in 1412 03 15: between Sigismund, Jogaila and Vytautas. For Sigismund the treaty solved boundary questions and ensured the security of northern border, which was important to Hungary having war with Venice. He also started to reach a consent of states for his international arbitration in Samogitian question. It became a perfect instrument to make influence in this region until 1420 and turn Samogitian question for his interests. The treaty was the great diplomatical winning for Lithuania and Poland. Jogaila and Vytautas eliminated Sigismund from the support for crusaders and led Lithuania and Poland in the orbit of Sigismund’s political projections until 1420. [From the publication]

2023-12-01 14:49:37
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