Ekologinio sąmoningumo ugdymas projektinėse veiklose

Sklaidos publikacijos / Dissemination publications
Document Type:
Straipsnis / Article
Lietuvių kalba / Lithuanian
Ekologinio sąmoningumo ugdymas projektinėse veiklose
Alternative Title:
Development of ecological awareness in project activities
In the Journal:
Gamtamokslinis ugdymas bendrojo lavinimo mokykloje [Natural Science Education in a Comprehensive School]. 2021, 27, p. 74-84
Kūrybiškumas / Creativity; Ugdymas / Education; Vaikai / Children.
Summary / Abstract:

LTTarptautinis švietimo įstaigų bendruomenių ekologinio švietimo projektas "Saulėto oranžinio traukinio kelionė" (toliau - Projektas) buvo vykdomas 2016-2020 m. Projekto pradžia kiekvienais metais - balandžio 7 d. (Pasaulinę sveikatos dieną), pabaiga - lapkričio 11 d. (Šv. Martyno vardo dieną, žibintų arba šviesos dieną). Projekto organizatorius - Vilniaus lopšelis-darželis ,"Rūta". Projekto iniciatorė ir vadovė - Rita Stulpinienė, Vilniaus lopšelio-darželio "Rūta" mokytoja ekspertė. Projekto koordinatorė - Rasa Žiemienė, Vilniaus lopšelio-darželio "Rūta" direktorės pavaduotoja ugdymui. 2016-2019 m. projektas buvo remiamas Vilniaus miesto savivaldybės visuomenės aplinkosauginio švietimo programos "Savivaldybei pavaldžių įstaigų aplinkosauginis švietimas" lėšomis. Projekto "Saulėto oranžinio traukinio kelionė" tikslas - per patirtinį ugdymą(si) suteikti vaikui pažinimo džiaugsmą auginant moliūgą bei kitus augalus nuo sėklytės iki brandaus augalo kartu su mokytoju ir šeima, puoselėjant vaiko dvasines, kūrybines galias globojant gamtą, ugdant gamtojautą, pagarbą gyvybei ir dvasingumą, ekologinę savimonę, sveiką gyvenseną. Saulėtas oranžinis traukinys nenuilstamai riedėjo per visą Lietuvą ir už jos ribų, kviesdamas švietimo įstaigų bendruomenes keliauti į platų gamtos pasaulį, skleidžiant oranžinę šilumą ir dalinant šypsenas. Kodėl oranžinę? Todėl, kad tai šeimos, meilės, draugystės, saulės, šviesos spalva. Kodėl į gamtos pasaulį? Todėl, kad didesnė dalis vaikų pasaulį, gamtos grožį pažįsta iš knygelių, televizijos laidų, kompiuterinių žaidimų ir pan. [...]. [Iš Įvado]

ENThe international ecological education project of the educational institutions' communities "Sunny Orange Train Journey" (hereinafter - the Project) was implemented in 2016 - 2020. The project starts every year on April 7. (World Health Day), ending 11 November. (St. Martin's Day, Lantern or Day of Light). The organizer of the project is Vilnius kindergarten "Rūta". The initiator and leader of the project is Rita Stulpinienė, an expert teacher at Rūta Kindergarten in Vilnius. Project coordinator - Rasa Žiemienė, Deputy Director for Education of Vilnius Kindergarten "Rūta". 2016 - 2019 The project was supported by the Vilnius City Municipality Public Environmental Education Program “Environmental Education of Institutions Subordinated to the Municipality”. The aim of the project "Sunny Orange Train Journey" is to give a child the joy of cognition by growing an pumpkin and other plants from conception to a mature plant together with a teacher and family, fostering a child's spiritual, creative powers to nurture nature, develop nature and respect for life. spirituality, ecological self-awareness, healthy lifestyle. During the five years of the project, 10 experiential activities were offered, during which educational communities joined the creation of green educational spaces and research in a green environment, providing opportunities for students to get to know the immediate environment and experience the joy of discovery. The partnership between teachers and families and the cooperation of specialists from educational institutions were strengthened in the organization of educational activities.Each year, teachers from educational institutions shared their experience of project activities at conferences entitled "Dissemination of good work experience while traveling on a sunny orange train" and had the opportunity to come up with new innovative, environmentally friendly ideas. 62 reports were delivered from various countries. The reports reflect the integration of orange activities into other activities, how to create conditions for the implementation of artistic and creative activities for children with special educational needs, how to initiate free and independent choice of children's artistic expression, promote children's creativity, self-expression and positive emotions. This project not only promoted communication and cooperation between educational institutions of the Republic of Lithuania and neighboring countries in order to achieve a better quality of education by sharing impressions and experience, but also nurtured common human values by experiencing the joy of giving. 3 photo albums, 4 electronic books "Pumpkin Recipes" have been published, the methodological tool of authentic creation "Creative Stop of the Sunny Orange Train Journey" has been created. 4 environmental events "Orange Smile Day" took place in Vilnius Vingis Park, during which two Lithuanian records were achieved. The power of a small pumpkin seed brought together communities of educational institutions for joint activities not only from Lithuania, but also from other countries of the world - Poland, Latvia, Estonia, Belarus, Norway, Germany, England, Spain and even from sunny Australia. This project, as a small baby born from a small semen, sown by the hands of educators and children, invited me to travel on an experiential nature trail. Keywords: creative activities, educational activities, green educational spaces. [From the publication]

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