Marija Gimbutienė - Reketės kapinyno tyrinėtoja

Sklaidos publikacijos / Dissemination publications
Document Type:
Straipsnis / Article
Lietuvių kalba / Lithuanian
Marija Gimbutienė - Reketės kapinyno tyrinėtoja
Alternative Title:
Marija Gimbutienė – a researcher of Reketė cemetery
In the Journal:
Lietuvos muziejų rinkiniai. 2021, Nr. 20, p. 150-153
Marija Gimbutienė (Marija Gimbutas); Kretinga; Lietuva (Lithuania); Archeologija / Archaeology; Atsiminimai. Biografijos / Memories. Biographies; Parodos / Exhibitions.
Summary / Abstract:

LTStraipsnyje pristatoma šių metų pradžioje sukurta ir viešai prieinama virtuali paroda, skirta M. Alseikaitės-Gimbutienės metams pažymėti. Originalaus ir unikalaus dienoraščio pagrindu aptariami mokslininkės vykdyti archeologiniai tyrimai Reketės (Kretingos r.) kapinyne ir rasti geležies amžių menantys radiniai. Reikšminiai žodžiai: virtuali paroda, LIMIS, dienoraštis, geležies amžius, archeologija. [Iš leidinio]

ENThe 40th General Conference of UNESCO (12–27 November 2019) in Paris published a list of anniversaries mentioned by UNESCO and its member states, which includes 59 dates important for world culture, education, science, and historical memory. This list includes an important anniversary: in 2021, the 100th anniversary of the birth of Marija Birutė Alseikaitė-Gimbutienė, an archaeologist, anthropologist and initiator of archeometology was commemorated. Commemorating the birth anniversary of this prominent, world-famous scientist, the archaeology collection of Vytautas the Great War Museum prepared a virtual exhibition “Marija Gimbutienė – a Researcher of Reketė Cemetery” in the Lithuanian Integrated Museum Information System (LIMIS). The original idea of the exhibition has changed over time, so it was decided to introduce the public to the unique diary of Reketė Cemetery (Kretinga district) excavation, written by Marija Gimbutienė in 1942, which has not yet been exhibited anywhere. The exhibition also presents the finds collected during the detailed research of Reketė cemetery. The article analyses the burial items of two women (graves No. 42 and No. 43) and one man (grave No. 41) dating to the 5th–9th centuries (combat weapons, household tools and ornaments) and accidentally found work and fighting iron items in the graves (No. II and No. III) that were collected in the excavations led by Marija Gimbutienė in Reketė cemetery, as well as the main focus of the exhibition – the digitized authentic diary of Reketė excavations of 1942. [From the publication]

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2023-03-31 14:11:16
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