LTStraipsnyje apžvelgiamas išeivių rašytojų Alfonso Nykos-Nilūno (tikr. – Alfonsas Čipkus, 1920–2015) ir Henriko Radausko (1910–1970) kultūrinis palikimas, saugomas Maironio lietuvių literatūros muziejuje (toliau – MLLM). Pasitelkus archyvalijas, bus išryškinti jų biografijos reikšmingi faktai, apžvelgta kultūrinė, visuomeninė veikla, aptarti jų poezijos knygų paruošti maketai. Straipsnis – aprašomasis tyrimas, kuriame per egodokumentus bus pateikti duomenys apie dviejų menininkų draugystės sąsajas, išryškintas jų domėjimasis klasikine muzika, daile, literatūra. Pristatysime, kaip šių menininkų rinkiniai integruojami į muziejaus ekspozicijas, parodas, aptarsime, kaip vyksta unikalios medžiagos sklaida: edukacijoje ir leidyboje. Straipsnis skirtas apžvelgti ir paviešinti išeivių menininkų archyvinius rinkinius. Reikšminiai žodžiai: lituanistika, išeiviai rašytojai, archyviniai rinkiniai, egodokumentai, biografinis lygmuo, menas, muzika, kultūros paveldas. [Iš leidinio]
ENLithuanian studies occupy an important place in the history of Lithuanian culture. In 1944s, a year of upheaval, 70 per cent of writers and artists left Lithuania. They lived and worked in a foreign land for more than fifty years. After Lithuania regained its Independence, there were wide opportunities to take care of returning their cultural legacy to Lithuania. For more than 30 years (1989–2020), Maironis Lithuanian Literature Museum (hereinafter – MLLM) has been carrying out consistent work in finding and transporting archival material from the United States of America, Australia, Italy, and Germany to Lithuania. Currently, MLLM has accumulated archival material of about 200,000 exile writers. The work has been supported by the Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Lithuania, and in recent decades by the Lithuanian Council for Culture. For many exile writers, MLLM has become a second home: their material is handled, researched, exhibited, and published. The article reviews the cultural legacy of Alfonsas Nyka-Nilūnas (real name A. Čipkus, 1920– 2015), the Lithuanian National Prize winner, writer, literary critic, translator and Henrikas Radauskas (1910–1970), the poet, translator, literary critic, housed at Maironis Lithuanian Literature Museum. The writers’ collections contain documents, photographs, manuscripts, epistolic, press and publications, memorial libraries and objects, and works of art. The paintings by artists V. Vizgirda, A. Valeška, V. Kasiulis, V. Ignas, J. Kaupas and others are worth to be mentioned. Along with the writer’s legacy, the works of art of his wife, A. Laucevičiūtė-Čipkienė, who is still unknown in Lithuania, were brought to Lithuania (over 100 artefacts – paintings, vases). A large part of them was donated to M.K. Čiurlionis National Museum of Art.The MLLM funds were supplemented with Antanas Škėma’s, Julius Kaupas’ and H. Radauskas’ archives which used to be in the poet’s house. A. Nyka-Niliūnas inherited the collection of H. Radauskas from the poet’s wife Vera Sotnikovaitė. This collection is still under investigation, but it stands out for its collection of artwork and records. V. Kasiulis’ paintings, Japanese vases, artistic tiles, sculptures, etc. should be mentioned. Of special value is the map of Radvila Našlaitėlis (1630), which brought a lot of joy to the owner himself. The article reviews and publishes the archival legacy of exile artists. With the help of archives, the significant facts of the biography of A. Nyka-Niliūnas and H. Radauskas were highlighted; cultural and social activities were reviewed, and the preparation of layouts of their poetry books Praradimo simfonijos (‘Symphonies of Loss’) and Strėlė danguje (‘An Arrow in the Sky’) was discussed. The layouts of the books testify that the artists took great care in publishing their books. They sought to have the poetic word formalized into the appropriate frames, in other words, to be artistically designed.The article highlights the way of life of two artists through biographical texts – epistolary, memoirs, diaries – studies at the Berlin Institute, preparation of the anthology “Year of Exile” in Germany, work at the Library of Congress in Washington. The article actualizes their hobbies: classical music, art and literature. The cultural heritage of the writers is widely exhibited in the MLLM expositions, in the jubilee exhibitions dedicated to the writers, lectures are given, and educational classes take place. The topics discussed allow us to conclude that the archival collections of two prominent artists, which have significantly supplemented the MLLM funds, have become inexhaustible sources for researching and reconstructing the pages of Lithuanian cultural history that are still little known to us. For example, the transportation and exhibition of Aleksandra LaucevičiūtėČipkienė’s paintings at MLLM, M.K. Čiurlionis National Museum of Art, Šiauliai “Aušros” Museum, K. V. Jonynas Museum in Druskininkai, Gabrielė Petkevičaitė-Bitė Library in Panevėžys, etc. A unique cultural heritage has become an invaluable part of Lithuanian cultural history. [From the publication]